Grand Theft Auto 5 Gets A Release Date

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No windows live junk this time around 🙂

I tell you what, I bought Street Fighter and I found I had to both login into Steam, microsoft with a Windows Live account, just to play.

Never again. If you add Windows Live b0llocks to this game, I'll pass. I promise.
it is about god damn time!!!! Glad I waited, all these improvements to the game. Eat it consoles fan boys!!!!

Console fanboys are getting the same improvements...

But not 1080P 60FPS and the same level of AA. Granted the PS4 has decent AA compared to the XB1 but it still makes the games a bit more blurry than PC grade AA.

I find it funny that they said "Fall" but PC is being delayed a few months more. Wonder if it is to optimize it or to further increase their profits off of this game.

It is truly sad though. They are going to make double their money on some people (people with 360s/3 versions going to XB1/PS4 versions) and people who bought it for one console and want it on PC.

I guess I am just a tad annoyed that the PC version got delayed at all. No idea why but I guess a big company with a proven good PC sales track record (all the GTA series and MP series) is not enough.

I truly doubt there will be nearly as much optimizations needed. In fact the best method would be to dev for the PC then port to the new consoles as they can make it optimized on PC then each console (XB1 will be easier due to it being x86/Windows kernel/DX11.X).
Did anyone bother to tell Rockstar that January 27th comes after the holiday purchasing season?

I'ts also pretty screwed up how consoles will have a RE-RELEASE before PC even experiences any launch for the title . Nonetheless, it's better than what we've had up until now. If only RDR could head the PC way next, been waiting too long for that title.
As a PC gamer I feel insulted. It feel like we are second rate peasant. It's not that they are giving the game for free. sheesh.
Just remember, the PC version will have one of the best feature that none of these consoles have, a freaking video editor which is probably one of the best feature of GTA IV for PC. The video editor on IV is far from great but i have high hope for GTA V version.
Last time Watch Dogs delay the pc release due to nvidia's involvement in planting source code in the game in order to descale the performance of AMD GTA V.....again?????????
I think GTA V should atleast get some type of upgrade other than a video editor. For one, it definitely needs the option to play user tracks. Plus I hope they dont make attempts to prevent story mode modding.
it is about god damn time!!!! Glad I waited, all these improvements to the game. Eat it consoles fan boys!!!!

Console fanboys are getting the same improvements...

But not 1080P 60FPS and the same level of AA. Granted the PS4 has decent AA compared to the XB1 but it still makes the games a bit more blurry than PC grade AA.

I find it funny that they said "Fall" but PC is being delayed a few months more. Wonder if it is to optimize it or to further increase their profits off of this game.
always the later
it is about god damn time!!!! Glad I waited, all these improvements to the game. Eat it consoles fan boys!!!!

Console fanboys are getting the same improvements...

Well the 60fps, we don't know about that just yet. The AA is pretty much void, since higher resolutions or AA is something that is mandatory once you start sitting really close to the monitor/hdtv (computer monitors) At my sitting distance from my HDTV, 720p and 1080p are jusssstttt indistinguishable.

But not 1080P 60FPS and the same level of AA. Granted the PS4 has decent AA compared to the XB1 but it still makes the games a bit more blurry than PC grade AA.

I find it funny that they said "Fall" but PC is being delayed a few months more. Wonder if it is to optimize it or to further increase their profits off of this game.

I know mine can. The question is: Is it worthy of running on my PC? 😛
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