Question Graphic card upgrade

Jul 22, 2020
hello! would like to listen to your advice about upgrading my graphic card on my pc.
Currently have a lenovo Win8 STD MM DPK IPG motherboard.
With a NVIDIA George GTX 950 graphic card.
Would like to upgrade my graphic card without changing my motherboard.
Is it possible?
And which graphic cards will fit in?
Thank you
Any motherboard that can accept a GTX 950 can accept any graphics card on the market today. The question is whether or not your power supply can provide sufficient power (via the PCI-Ex16 slot and auxilliary power connectors from the PSU.

What is the specific model number of the power supply installed in your system. If you don't know, there is typically a sticker on the side of the unit that provides that information. Take a picture of the PSU, post it to a third party image hosting site, and add the link to a reply here.

-Wolf sends

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