I've got a 533MHz celeron emachine. We've had some problems with it, such that reinstalling the OS seemed to be the best and easiest fix. We reinstalled windows 98, but not with the disk the computer originally came with. Consequently, windows can't seem to figure out how to use the higher color modes with the hardware. My guess is that we lack a certain driver. I'm also assuming that with the purchase of a graphics card for the computer, we can get past this little problem.
My question is what card should I buy? I don't supposed any newer cards would be any help, and I have no knowledge on the graphics cards that did come out for this generation of computers.
--- Your friendly neighborhood MechWarrior.
My question is what card should I buy? I don't supposed any newer cards would be any help, and I have no knowledge on the graphics cards that did come out for this generation of computers.
--- Your friendly neighborhood MechWarrior.