Graphics card for pentium 4



How much mega byte of graphics card should I install with 1gb of ram and Pentium 4?
How much mega byte of graphics card should I install with 1gb of ram and Pentium 4?

The answer really is "it probably doesn't matter." Almost all graphics cards ship with at least 256 MB of RAM and only some of the very fastest and newest P4s are going to be fast enough to allow you to run a high enough resolution and details to where you could even use more than 256 MB of RAM. I would suggest that you post more details about your computer, such as the model and clock speed of your P4 and the model of your motherboard, if you know it. We could better help you to pick an appropriate graphics card if you do that.
Anything with at least 256 meg of memory is fine. By the time a card with 512 meg of memory loads up with enough textures and/or high enough resolution to even come close to 512 meg, the old P4 is going to run out of horsepower and fall flat on its face I am afraid, unless you are overclocking it to like 4ghz or better.