Graphics card spinning, no display [SOLVED]

Apr 9, 2018
Hey guy's/gal's I just got my graphics card after waiting a month for it to arrive, now before we ordered it something was happening. The PC display wouldn't turn on but after 2 or 3 tries it'd work but after a while it wouldn't turn on at all. I ordered a GTX 660, I should have enough power, 500W. The fan spins but nothing. And something came with the graphics card. A 6 pin cord? I have to input it in the graphics card. Did it, nothing. No signal. I have reset the CMOS through the jumper and the battery. I gotta also state that I had integrated graphics but disabled it through device manager. It was all good till a month after that.
I have a i5 3407 might be wrong. I just need help, this has gotten me disappointed and exhausted.