Graphics card



my base powers up but nothing comes on the screen?the screen seems to be ok.i havent herd a beep so it has passed the post!so how do i know which part i need to replace?i have a feeling its the graphics card.thx dean


my base powers up but nothing comes on the screen?the screen seems to be ok.i havent herd a beep so it has passed the post!so how do i know which part i need to replace?i have a feeling its the graphics card.thx dean
sorry i ment to say it hasnt passed the post.


what i would like to know is would a faulty graphics card prevent post from completing?thx


Apr 19, 2004
No a video card will not stop the POST:

This is POST:

1.Test the power supply to ensure that it is turned on and that it releases its reset signal.
2.CPU must exit the reset status mode and thereafter be able to execute instructions.
3.BIOS checksum must be valid, meaning that it must be readable.
4.CMOS checksum must be valid, meaning that it must be readable.
5.CPU must be able to read all forms of memory such as the memory controller, memory bus, and memory module.
6.The first 64KB of memory must be operational and have the capability to be read and written to and from, and capable of containing the POST code.
7.I/O bus / controller must be accessible.
8.I/O bus must be able to write / read from the video subsystem and be able to read all video RAM.


Apr 19, 2004
deanmac77 if you never recieved any beeps during post and everything "seems" to be funtioning fine except there is no display I would do the following.

1) make sure monitor is plugged in
2) make sure monitor is on
3) make sure VGA is connected to monitor and video card.
4) is there multiple VGA jacks on vid card? has it been switched?

If it is not those Obvious things. Swap the montior and see if it works....
If it still doesnt work is it possible to swap your Vid card?

Do you have a floppy or CD in the drive on boot?

Anyway just some simple stuffs to try on a weak description of the issue....


thx that should help.i will check the memory but it seems like a motherboard problem.thx dean


an engineer took graphics card out of it and said the base has its own graphics card bulit in.the pc worked fine but not at high level of graphics for gaming.and yesarday it wouldnt boot up properly,nothing on the sceen except moniter in sleep mode.this morning it booted up normally everything ok.i restarted it an got the moniter in sleep mode an no beep on boot from the base?if it worked this morning then everything is plugged in baffled
Do you know what motherboard you have? Brand and model of PSU? RAM? The more specifications on this system you can give us, the more likely we will be able to provide useful advice. How old is it?