So a couple days ago my pc crashed and when restarting it only 1 of my monitors would work with a black border around it
I thought maybe the drivers were corrupted so uninstalled with ddu and reinstalled but no luck.
Tried on board graphics they're fine.
Different cables for monitors and pci cables but no joy.
Used a clean install of windows and Ubuntu(which shows black screen) and it doesn't work on them either
Put my old gtx 560ti in and it worked perfectly fine.
I was using a gtx 680 and have been for quite a few years, could it mean the end of it?
All help appreciated
So a couple days ago my pc crashed and when restarting it only 1 of my monitors would work with a black border around it
I thought maybe the drivers were corrupted so uninstalled with ddu and reinstalled but no luck.
Tried on board graphics they're fine.
Different cables for monitors and pci cables but no joy.
Used a clean install of windows and Ubuntu(which shows black screen) and it doesn't work on them either
Put my old gtx 560ti in and it worked perfectly fine.
I was using a gtx 680 and have been for quite a few years, could it mean the end of it?
All help appreciated