sorry to bug all you computer experts, but I need some help with Assassins Creed 3. My son is home from college on vacation and I bought him a ASUS GTX-650 Ti card to put in the home computer and it came with a free copy of AC3. I installed the card and sure enough Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 looks a lot better (the only game I can play, ha ha). But when we started playing Assassins Creed 3, even with all of the settings set at the highest, it's still only looks maybe as good as call of duty did several years ago. I don't understand what's gone wrong and I can't find any answers on the Internet. Here are my specs: Dell XPS 8300 ,i7-2600, 16 GB RAM, Dell ST2421L(Analog) monitor, running Windows 7 64-bit Home, Nvidia GTX 650 Ti. the monitor is set at maximum resolution, the Nvidia drivers are only three days old. Any ideas? Thanks and have a good vaca!