Greeting from trailer park USA. Ive read alot of posts about all the systems you guys are running and all the money you all invest in your system. And i want to share with all you city folk what i use for the internet.
PIII800 slot 1
756 megs ram
Nvidia 3 Ti-500 64 meg video card
soyo SY-6VCA mobo..paid $50 for mobo and cpu Half-life bud
1 40 gig H.D. and an old 5400 8gig.
man you all must be rollin on the floor by now.
But i play multi-player online and do well. I build
computers for my friends. And they cant understand why
my computer runs so good. All i can think of is back to
the first real video card i installed after the voodo accelerators..And i set back and thats what it should look like..
Encodeing this machine aint got ball 1 for.
And i jus upgraded from a PII450 in 2003.
everyones obsessed with max speed.
Building my new computer as i type this.
Picked up a abit KR7a-133...mobo for free
came across a 1800 sempron but i dont think that will work.
After reading a few hundred posts I feel like im upgradeing
to steel cans and a piece of rope.
I hear bout these SATA hard drives....Hence the reason i was reading all the posts..
Is the difference in speed worth if its possible to use SATA
hard drives via a i/o card. You techies should have the math
down. i want 2/200gig hitachi`s. Thats the only thing i can
say bad about this computer i built..Named Da Ole Coal Burner. Any other constructive critisesem would be welcomed.
Commie-64 rules!
Moneys tight when yer a single dad...
Hope ya guys get a good laugh..I am very hesitant to even write this..
Business up front....Party in the rear...Mullets out
PIII800 slot 1
756 megs ram
Nvidia 3 Ti-500 64 meg video card
soyo SY-6VCA mobo..paid $50 for mobo and cpu Half-life bud
1 40 gig H.D. and an old 5400 8gig.
man you all must be rollin on the floor by now.
But i play multi-player online and do well. I build
computers for my friends. And they cant understand why
my computer runs so good. All i can think of is back to
the first real video card i installed after the voodo accelerators..And i set back and thats what it should look like..
Encodeing this machine aint got ball 1 for.
And i jus upgraded from a PII450 in 2003.
everyones obsessed with max speed.
Building my new computer as i type this.
Picked up a abit KR7a-133...mobo for free
came across a 1800 sempron but i dont think that will work.
After reading a few hundred posts I feel like im upgradeing
to steel cans and a piece of rope.
I hear bout these SATA hard drives....Hence the reason i was reading all the posts..
Is the difference in speed worth if its possible to use SATA
hard drives via a i/o card. You techies should have the math
down. i want 2/200gig hitachi`s. Thats the only thing i can
say bad about this computer i built..Named Da Ole Coal Burner. Any other constructive critisesem would be welcomed.
Commie-64 rules!
Moneys tight when yer a single dad...
Hope ya guys get a good laugh..I am very hesitant to even write this..
Business up front....Party in the rear...Mullets out