Question Gskill Trident Z RAM crashing computer and not posting.

Aug 11, 2019

So I was playing games the other day and for some reason my computer froze in place mid game and unresponsive. I found this odd but this stuff happens so I just restarted the computer. The screen wouldn't turn on, the PC would start, idle then restart and the loop that over and over. Let it sit there for a while with no power, reset Cmos, took out GPU and used CPU display, took out sound and network PCIE cards, disconnected all drives internal and external. All these led to nothing, no post, no response, always looping the turn on then restart.
I then took out all my RAM. I have 2 4GBsticks of Corsair Vengeance 4000mhz and 2 8GB sticks of G skill Trident Z RGB RAM I bought for myself last Christmas (was saving to buy the following two) making 24GB in total and (due to how ram lowers itself to the lowest Dimm speed) that means running at 3000mhz. I put back a stick of the corsair RAM and boom I get a post, then connected my windows drive and was able to sign in like there wasn't a problem. I put the second dimm in (with one space apart, 1 and 3) and that works fine. I then put either of the RGB RAM in and the same issue, no post, no display, no response, nothing. This is the first time this has happened and this set up has been working since early last december.
So what can be causing it? Is it the RAM? Is it the PC? The ram isn't overclocked and as far as I am aware doesn't use XMP, its just plug and play.
Its been a couple days just using the corsair ram, the ones I bought back in 2015 when I built the PC.
Any questions lemme know but in terms of troubleshooting I am fairly sure I have done everything. And after some googling it seems very odd indeed so better just ask in the open.

TL;DR - Gskill RAM crashes computer and now doesn't post with it in the motherboard. Help.

Other specs:
CPU - Intel 6700K (Not overclocked)
Mobo - Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI
GPU - Asus ROG nVidia 1060 Strix
SSD with windows - Samsung Evo 850 250GB
Running windows 10.
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x 4GB 400mhz
- Gskill Trident Z RGB 2x 8GB 3000mhz (issue RAM)

Welcome to the forums my friend!

If I have read your post correctly:

RAM modules are only guaranteed in the form sold (from the same pack). So it's a 50/50 gamble whether a new set of modules will work with the old. This is because the manufacturing of the modules changes frequently, making them the same make/model/timings is irrelevant. That is just a way to try and minimise potential conflict, but not eliminate it.

Does the G Skill RAM work normally by itself or fault?
Welcome to the forums my friend!

If I have read your post correctly:

RAM modules are only guaranteed in the form sold (from the same pack). So it's a 50/50 gamble whether a new set of modules will work with the old. This is because the manufacturing of the modules changes frequently, making them the same make/model/timings is irrelevant. That is just a way to try and minimise potential conflict, but not eliminate it.

Does the G Skill RAM work normally by itself or fault?
Hey man thanks for the welcome.
So after waiting a little bit and doing every possible combination of all 4 sticks in all 4 dimms, the best I have got working is the two RGB sticks and one Vengeance stick working, with the 4th dimm crashing the PC with something in it. The testing was odd, some combinations booted and some didnt. Now thinking its the Mobo or something. But in answer to your question they didnt then they did, weird I know.
What exact model number RAM kits are you using?
Are they listed on the QVL for your motherboard?
As stated by PC Tailor using RAM that didn't come as a kit is not guaranteed to work.
Sadly the days when you could just add any RAM sticks to your existing setup are gone.
Modern high speed DDR4 RAM is sold in kits to ensure that they work together at their full rated speed.
While it is possible that mis-matched RAM kits might work, it is definitely not guaranteed that they will.
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