GT240 - XFX vs Asus vs Gigabyte


Sep 2, 2011
Looking to get a GT240 GDDR5 1GB - I've come up with these three options so far:

The Gigabyte one is obviously cheaper and silent but I'm going with a reserator watercooling system so I'm slightly worried that I might not be able to mount the water cooling block on it (looks like it might not be a standard mount for the heatsink)

I've heard good things about both ASUS and XFX - opinions?
I presume the mounting on both of those should be pretty standard.

The price doesn't worry me too much.

Also if there's a better <75W PCIe powered graphics card then I'm up for suggestions regarding that.


I think based on that I'll probably go with the XFX then.

I'm building a low power rig (hence the PCIe powered card) and I'm not building it for gaming (although I might play something once a month or so if I get really bored 😉 )
My brands of choice for video cards are eVGA for nVidia and XFX for ATI - primarily for build quality and warranty.

OTOH, they tend to be a little more expensive than most other brands.
I was looking for the GT240 by eVGA as well but I didn't seem to get too far with that.

Right, thanks for the help y'all :)

I've added it to my list.

I'll have to see how well the GT240 copes with 2x 1920x1080 monitors and Deus Ex when I get bored :)
Looking at some videos, looks like people have managed pretty decent single resolutions (1680x1050) and high graphics settings with the DDR3 and 512MB versions so I'd have thought it'd do fine for casual gaming :)