Question GTA 5 keeps exiting unexpectedly both on online and story mode

Aug 14, 2019
i can provide the launcher log

I have tried-
reinstalling the game on a different drive (ssd)
running on safemode
reinstalling drivers
checking game files for bad files

My computer specs-
Name Core i7-5960X
Manufacturer Intel
Speed 3.30 GHz
Category Extreme
Generation 12th
Brand Core i7 5th Gen
Cores 8
Name GeForce GTX Titan X
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Category Enthusiast
Generation 20

What keeps happening-
when i played online it would just close and give me the option to run on safemode ( i was already on safemode ). This would happen wether i was in a mission or just freeroaming. After re-installing gta on another drive ( ssd ) i played storymode, just freeroaming it crashed

Error log-
[2019-08-14 19:32:15.968] [DISPLAY] Accepted argument: '-safemode'
[2019-08-14 19:32:19.809] [DISPLAY] Using DPI 96
[2019-08-14 19:32:19.896] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
[2019-08-14 19:32:19.976] [DISPLAY] File version 10002:40001 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
[2019-08-14 19:32:20.043] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:6c90000 (for C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe)
[2019-08-14 19:32:20.065] [DISPLAY] Version: |1.0.1737.0||1.0.1737.0|FSP
[2019-08-14 19:32:20.552] [DISPLAY] OS version: Major: 6, Minor: 2, Build: 9200, Platform: 2
[2019-08-14 19:32:20.606] [ ERROR ] Parameter -safemode is being re-set!
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.189] [DISPLAY] Steam initialized successfully
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.200] [DISPLAY] Steam id: 76561198255603071
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.211] [DISPLAY] Steam offline: FALSE
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.219] [DISPLAY] Steam persona: FIREFLY
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.268] [DISPLAY] Social Club initializing...
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.868] [DISPLAY] Attempting to create device...
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.880] [DISPLAY] Attempting to initialise DX9 COM object...
[2019-08-14 19:32:23.909] [DISPLAY] Window size: 690 x 496
[2019-08-14 19:32:24.022] [DISPLAY] Successfully created DX Device!
[2019-08-14 19:32:25.051] [DISPLAY] Geo: GB
[2019-08-14 19:32:29.931] [DISPLAY] Launching game...
[2019-08-14 19:32:29.940] [DISPLAY] (path: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe cmdline: "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe")
[2019-08-14 19:32:42.644] [ ERROR ] HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868
[2019-08-14 19:32:42.644] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2019-08-14 19:32:42.645] [WARNING] Resetting device...
[2019-08-14 19:32:42.734] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2019-08-14 19:32:55.474] [WARNING] Resetting device...
[2019-08-14 19:32:55.536] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.069] [ ERROR ] GameComm: ReadFile failed.
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.416] [DISPLAY] Game exited with code 0xc0000005
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.417] [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.424] [ ERROR ] ****
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.424] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.425] [ ERROR ] * Category: 1 (ERROR_CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.427] [ ERROR ] * Code: 107 (LAUNCHER_ERR_GAME_CRASHED)
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.427] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.427] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Launcher error. Code: 107
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.427] [ ERROR ] ****
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.434] [ ERROR ] Unable to read out-file!
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.438] [ ERROR ] ****
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.438] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.438] [ ERROR ] * Category: 5 (ERROR_CATEGORY_EXIT_CODE)
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.439] [ ERROR ] * Code: -1073741819 (c0000005)
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.439] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.439] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Grand Theft Auto V exited unexpectedly.

Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.

If you continue to have problems playing the game, please contact Rockstar Games Customer Service at
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.439] [ ERROR ] ****
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.443] [ ERROR ] Exit code 0xc0000005 indicates a game crash (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
[2019-08-14 19:36:28.457] [ ERROR ] Unable to clear in-file and out-file!
[2019-08-14 19:36:38.650] [DISPLAY] Uninitializing.

I have a 2080ti, 9900k, 32gb of 3200 ram and GTA 5 is installed on an SSD. All this in a Thermaltake tower 900 with 2 560mm rads.

I do not use a VPN. I do not have mods installed. I do not install ANYTHING on my gaming PC aside from Steam, Origins, Epic, Blizzard and MSI afterburner. I dont even surf the net on my gaming PC, AND I do a clean windows install twice a year.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, my PC is the perfect control in the experiment when testing for variables.

Since several days after the casino update (IMMEDIATELY after the horse glitch hotfix) I have been experiencing CONSTANT crashing in GTAV.

I can play for 10-20 minutes then the game crashes. This is consistent. I've tried uninstalling MSI afterburner. I've tried underclocking my card. I have tried every permutation of Nvidia control panel settings possible. Nothing short of playing single player offline works.

Rockstar broke something when they hastily patched the horse racing glitch. Their customer support can't help you and they certainly won't admit it. It doesn't matter if it broke your game or not, it was more important for them to stop players from making extra money then it was for you to have a playable game.

The only option we have is there hope they properly test their next update before they deploy it
Dear "all"

I have/had the same issue, my game crashed every time on different time's...
Sometimes after 1 hour playing the game, sometimes already after 15 min...

The things i've try'd are:

1. Reinstalling GTA 5 (steam) (so i start with a clean game / gamesetting because i run the game with different mods like redux, LSPDFR, en all kind of other mods)
I deleted all documents after uninstalling the game, alsow rockstar club.

I start te play and stil getting the crash... (gta 5 exited unexpectedly)

2. Updated all drivers and software that i run... and retry...
No succes...

3. Reinstalled Windows 10 and all drivers and software with all the needed updates, installed GTA 5 (steam) and gues what...
Still having this issue...

4. unpluged all USB stuf that i used (HP Omen game mouse, HP Omen keyboard, wired Xbox one X controler)
Still no succes...

The last thing that i have try'd is to reinstall it on de C: drive (SSD) instat of the D: drive (HDD),
and i run the game on Normal settings... (normaly i run the game on Ultra settings incl. Redux Mod)
I run the game like 4 hours without any problems...
So i hope that it is the settings that is giving me the problem...
I try'd again with ultra settings (stil a clean gta 5 installation)
en stil no problem....

After this i installed the Redux mod again and stil playing like 3 hours without problem...

The only thing that i hate is that my C: drive isn't that big (237gb SSD)... and my other D: drive is (1TB HDD)... could it really be that the drive is causing this problem?
Is the drive badly damaged? or is it just de location? (maybe some documents can't be found on a other drive location???)

My setup is: (a new laptop)

i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (with MAX-Q Design)
6GB Video

I hope some of you find a solution to this problem, with this information, and i hope that if somebody had the same problem but has it fixed on it's other drive i would like to hear...

Maybe some more people that are having troubles with the LSDPFR mod? that one is giving me the same error directly with startup of the game true RagePluginHook...

I fixed it for myself and for now.
Guess there is something wrong with the latest Nvidia driver.. so with Experience i download and install the Studio driver for now and it works.
Played yesterday like 5 hours with no crash.
  • Like
Reactions: DarkBlackz
I fixed it for myself and for now.
Guess there is something wrong with the latest Nvidia driver.. so with Experience i download and install the Studio driver for now and it works.
Played yesterday like 5 hours with no crash.

Wat is your setup?
Nvidia Geforce GTX???
Version of Nvidia Geforce Experience???
And did you manual download update for experience?

Thanks in advance

Wat is your setup?
Nvidia Geforce GTX???
Version of Nvidia Geforce Experience???
And did you manual download update for experience?

Thanks in advance

GTX 1060 6GB

have the latest version of Experience.
and no did not do it manual with the update.
when you go to the Drivers tab, press on the 3 dots.
there you will see the Studio Driver.
that one works for me.

Played yesterday for 5 hours, and now like 3 hours no crash anymore :)

so i guess waiting for a good update from Nvidia.
  • Like
Reactions: IronHead92
GTX 1060 6GB

have the latest version of Experience.
and no did not do it manual with the update.
when you go to the Drivers tab, press on the 3 dots.
there you will see the Studio Driver.
that one works for me.

Played yesterday for 5 hours, and now like 3 hours no crash anymore :)

so i guess waiting for a good update from Nvidia.
Oke... mine is still working on the order drive (C:) SSD drive... so i will try to reinstal steam on de D: drive and try again with your option...

I'll update this post if it works for me too...
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Reactions: Beegeedoubleyou
I'm still having this problem, Nvidia run's with the latest update... (436.30 releasedate: 10-09-2019)
Can't start the game without getting this error...

What version of Nvidia do you have after that update of 5 days ago?
Can't instal Studio driver... crap...

Your system requires a DCH driver package wich can be downloaded automatically with Geforce Experience.
Alternatively, you can download the correct driver from by selecting the "DCH" option under the "Windows Driver Type" menu.

I'm running:

Geforce Experience Version (436.30)
Geforce GTX 1660 Ti with Max-Q Design
i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60 GHz
1920x1080, 60Hz

I can't download any other software from nvidia to let this run....
I found the solution... for now...
I made a exception in my virus software for the game location... and now i can start the game without any errors...

Hopefully this will stay working... hope so for you guys too!
I fixed it for myself and for now.
Guess there is something wrong with the latest Nvidia driver.. so with Experience i download and install the Studio driver for now and it works.
Played yesterday like 5 hours with no crash.

OMG.. I've searching in the internet for this sulotion.. you are my angel.. :) this one i have tested many things, install/uninstall gta, reinstall c++, delete d3d64.dlld etc etc. all didnt work.

however this one by: Beegeedoubleyou did work. for the past 3 days with 8-12hrs of gaming per day, I didn't experience the "exited unexpectedly" thing.. I hope it will never come back, cuz if it will. im gona lose my shit already.

Hey guys ive been having an issue with my gta v ps4 copy since the casino heist DLC. the game gets stuck on the loading screen at 90% whether loading story or online. ive had to delete and reinstall twice due to this and WHEN it works and i try going into the casino it either 1. Glitches out and almost NOTHING inside loads (podium car, people, bar, shop etc dont load.) or the game completely freezes and i have to quit and restart the app or itll kick me out of gta v all together. ive tried playing again after trying each of these: linking and unlinking social club, signing in and out of psn, deleting save files, checking network status, psn server status as well as gta v server status and yet have come up empty. the ONLY thing that has worked is deleting and reinstalling but the above mentioned still continues to happen after deleting and reinstalling (loading screen freezing at 90%, glitching at casino, crashing) other games work completely fine with 0 issues whatsoever its just gta v