Gtx 1050ti bottlenecks I5 8400


Dec 21, 2017
I've been watching some benchmarks with this particular specs. And noticed that their GPU has always been on 100%. Is it considered as a GPU bottleneck? Thanks for the answers
yes it's a bottleneck

If the gpu wasn't running at 100% then the bottleneck would be somewhere else.

Whatever you do, you will always have a bottleneck, otherwise games would run at infinite fps.

The real question is: are the games performances as good as you would like?
Yes: be happy and go on your merry way
No: sit tight, because we have no idea when the crypto-currency bubble will burst and loads of used gpu will be dumped on the market, driving the price down.

Then why is everybody in the comment section on youtube say, that a hundred percent GPU is botlenecking sommething in the PC
yes it's a bottleneck

If the gpu wasn't running at 100% then the bottleneck would be somewhere else.

Whatever you do, you will always have a bottleneck, otherwise games would run at infinite fps.

The real question is: are the games performances as good as you would like?
Yes: be happy and go on your merry way
No: sit tight, because we have no idea when the crypto-currency bubble will burst and loads of used gpu will be dumped on the market, driving the price down.

I saw a game of dota 2. Where the CPU usage is only 52%, while the GPU usage maintains a 99%. Is that normal? And not dangerous?

Parts are manufactured to operate to certain specification, if operating conditions (ambient temp, not submerged in water, etc) are respected, it'll do what it was designed to do. If it fails, it's because it's defective.

over-volting and overclocking are examples of operating parts outside of their designed specification and may result in decreased life span.
Not all games use equal resources. One game may use lots of GPU but very little CPU. Another game may use a lot of CPU. Another game may use a lot of both. So if you notice a game uses 50% CPU but 100% GPU, maybe that game relies on the videocard more than anything else. For instance, I've never heard anyone say you need a powerful CPU for Dota 2. So your i5 8400 is far more than you need for that game. But that game does have graphics, so as you raise the resolution and the settings, the GPU is made to work harder.