GTX 1070 worth the $200 price difference from RX 580 (8GB)?

My old video card, a Radeon HD 7970, finally died after several years between two different machines. In the meantime I'm limping along with a spare r7 265, but am definitely looking for an up-to-date replacement.

Seems the 1070 is the superior card, but costs about twice as much as the RX 580. Don't know whether it's worth it in my case or not. Also would consider the Vega series, but seems like those are slightly worse than their GTX equivalents and cost about the same.

I mainly play Dota 2, which is not that GPU-intensive ... also some simulators and RTS or action games - not really any first-person shooters. Just gaming on a standard 1920x1080 monitor, although one day I may go to 4k. Rest of system specs are:

16GB DDR3-1600 7-7-7
Asus Z170P D3 (DDR3 version)
XFX TS Series 550W
Samsung EVO 850 512GB SSD

As you can tell, this was built in about 2015, but should still last a while.

Have you seen this:
As money value is kinda personal thing, it's actually up to you to decide, I for instance wouldn't do it even for 100bucks.
What I did is to Google "GTX 1070 vs rx 580" but you may want to ad makes and exact models because they are various versions of each, with more or less memory, faster or slower clocks etc. 1070Ti for instance, improvement over non-Ti.
Also some games work better with Nvidia than AMD and vice versa.
More than 90hz = 1070 and above
1440p (any hz above 60) = 1070 and above
1080p 0-90hz = rx 580
4k = none of the two
If your monitor supports Freesync then get the rx 580, if you have 1080p the rx 580 is the way to go
I recommend the R580 because it is enough for 1080P and matches well with its current I5 6600K CPU.

The GTX 1070 would be good for 2K but it is insufficient for 4K, but the most important thing is that it is too strong for its current CPU and this would create a bottleneck for what would be spent in vain.

Well I was all prepared to come back at this statement and then I went and watched a comparison video, expecting it to substantiate my position, and it didn't. So now I will slink away. Although frankly this is good for me since I have a R5 1600 behind a gtx 960 so I was looking to upgrade my GPU.

Appreciate the discussion.