Hello everyone, I recently just got a GTX 1080 and I'm just having a few issues with it. I don't know if the things that are happening to it are normal or not, but that's why I'm asking all of you 😛. So, The main issue I am having with the card is the GPU usage. My 1080 is almost never at 80%-100% usage. Now this would be ok if it was capping off on the Vsync, but I have a 144 Hz monitor and it's just not pushing 144 frames because it's not working hard enough. For example, GTA5 I have the settings on high and I get about 70FPS, But the GPU usage is about 50%-60%. Why is the card not being used to its full power in the game? Also to note, I am running the card at stock speeds. Also, this is not a CPU bottleneck, I have an I7-4790K at 4.7Ghz. The only time I can get the card to get to 100% GPU usage and power usage is on benchmarks. I can never get the card even near %80 usage in any game I have tried with it. I have already uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them. Thanks for reading this and I look forward to hearing any solutions you may have.