GTX 1080 Low Gpu Ussage


Mar 14, 2016
Hello everyone, I recently just got a GTX 1080 and I'm just having a few issues with it. I don't know if the things that are happening to it are normal or not, but that's why I'm asking all of you 😛. So, The main issue I am having with the card is the GPU usage. My 1080 is almost never at 80%-100% usage. Now this would be ok if it was capping off on the Vsync, but I have a 144 Hz monitor and it's just not pushing 144 frames because it's not working hard enough. For example, GTA5 I have the settings on high and I get about 70FPS, But the GPU usage is about 50%-60%. Why is the card not being used to its full power in the game? Also to note, I am running the card at stock speeds. Also, this is not a CPU bottleneck, I have an I7-4790K at 4.7Ghz. The only time I can get the card to get to 100% GPU usage and power usage is on benchmarks. I can never get the card even near %80 usage in any game I have tried with it. I have already uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them. Thanks for reading this and I look forward to hearing any solutions you may have.

I feel bad for you guys getting false information. I should get some more experts in here to tell you how wrong you are.
You guys are on basically new accounts. Dont seem to be experts.

Power supply quality matters

Oh, I forgot to mention I have a 600W PSU, but it is only pulling about 320 Watts under full load so it can't be the PSU. GPU clock speed goes to 1853MHz; and mem clock goes to 5005MHz, seems normal.

But during benchmarks everything is fine. GPU usage is 100% and power usage is 100%. The moment I start a game everything gets lowered.
Hey Bud, I had the same issue and noticed that the Nvidia Control Panel options had changed on me when I installed the card.

1. Right click your desktop and choose "Nvidia Control Panel"
2. On Adjust Image Settings with Preview choose the following: Use the Advanced 3D Image Settings.
3. Click on the Manage 3D Settings tab right below Adjust Image Settings with Preview.
4. Scroll down until you see: Power Management Mode.
5. Change the Power Management Mode to either Adaptive or Prefer Maximum Performance
6. Restart your game and try it.

I had this problem with Final Fantasy 14 and since changing the power setting to Adaptive, it corrected the behavior of the card not utilizing 100%.

has nothing to do with the psu - dont give baseless advice. I would be livid if i bought a new psu due to someone suggesting that was the reason my card load was low. smh

Thank you, Tom's Hardware has a reputation of good advice to keep up, I don't know what that guy was thinking with saying that.

Adjusting my setting to maximum performance in nvidia control panel helped a little bit. I think a driver update in the future will address this issue. My usage is usually around 85%.
I feel bad for you guys getting false information. I should get some more experts in here to tell you how wrong you are.
You guys are on basically new accounts. Dont seem to be experts.

Power supply quality matters

What are your FPS in GTA V, because it probably is a CPU bottleneck. Believe it not, but all CPU's bottleneck from time to time. Especially when you are attempting to hit 144 FPS. High hz gaming is really difficult to achieve, as some game simply are CPU bound. GTA V is one such game.

Turn up some settings, if your FPS stay the same and usage goes up, it's pretty much certainly a bottleneck.

Could you please elaborate on that? You seem very convinced about this being true, but being convincED is one thing and being convincING is another. And to be convincing one should provide some hard facts.

Thank you! My new 1070 was operating at 900MHz in GTA V it was making me sad, thank you so much!
if you are in 1080p you are actually probably not going to be able to use that extra power, anything below 1440p and you start to become CPU bound, so it is effectively a CPU bottleneck but not in the way you think. cards like that are designed for higher resolutions.