I ran the same game (Crysis 2) with a single GTX 560, then I ran it with two 560's in SLI....
SLI was faster and smoother than the single card.
The single card was "playable" on "extreme" and smooth on "very high" (Single card was choppy and sluggish on extreme).
The SLI is butter-smooth on "ultra".
Now, I built a rig for one of my son's friends that used a single 6850 and a 4100. I don't know if it was the 4100 or the 6850, but that rig had micro-stutter with a single card. An overclock of both the GPU and CPU helped, but going back and forth betwen my single 560 and the 6850, it was easy to notice the difference in smooth vs stutter.
My SLI rig doesn't have the issue that I saw with that single 6850.
And, more to the pont, my SLI rig is much faster than my single card and just as smooth in "ultra" as my single card was in "very high" or even just "high"(lowest setting).
I also found stutter when using a very old 40g HDD in my back-up rig when I took the newer 7200rpm hdd out of it to get extra storage in my main rig.
The 7200 rpm hdd was fine, but that poor old hdd would slow-surge-slow a lot in crysis 2 regardless of settings.
I have seen a couple different examples of stuttering. My SLI rig is not one of them.