Gtx 580 overclocking


May 4, 2011
hi i'm from Bangladesh where K series processors & good quality rams arent available. So cant oc my cpu.
i have bought gtx 580.
will it be bottlenecked by 3.1Ghz i5 2300?
another thing i couldnt change vcore of the gpu using msi afterburner. so crysis 2 & da2 are a bit laggy in 1080p monitor in maxed out detail. running gpu in 841 core/ 1682 shader & 4024 memory.
how can i get more performance with my gpu for upcoming games like bf3 & dmc5?
how to change the vcore??

plz help me with your wise counsel.
thanks in advance.
you will be fine for BF3 at stock imo the gtx 580 is an amazing single gpu... DMC5 will be a console port and should run easily...

as far as ocing goes you can def get a nice oc with patience and luck like nforce said, and I wouldn't worry about quality "rams" as long as you are running 4 gigs or more of ddr3 you are ok imo
The GTX580 shouldn't have any problem keeping up with 1080p.If it's laggy it's probably due to your processor bottlenecking.You can still O.C. your CPU just get a aftermarket heatsink.

Which GTX580 do you have?

Are you sure you have the Voltage Unlocked in MSI Aterburner? Also some cards have the Voltage locked in the BIOS so you can't change it.
this one..probably the core is locked in the BIOS..if so then how to unlock it safely?

thanks for your wishes nforce
you will be fine for BF3 at stock imo the gtx 580 is an amazing single gpu... DMC5 will be a console port and should run easily...

as far as ocing goes you can def get a nice oc with patience and luck like nforce said, and I wouldn't worry about quality "rams" as long as you are running 4 gigs or more of ddr3 you are ok imo