GTX 650 6 pin connector please help me

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Aug 20, 2013
Hello everyone I ordered from eBay this graphic card

card link

As you can see in the second photo the card has a six pin power thing for extra power and in the description it says also that contains the six pin cable.
Now the problem is that this card arrived today and it doesn’t have the six pin cable and also the card doesn’t have the six pin power thing as you can see in the image below

image link

Now is this a problem? because in the manual says for the six pin cable connect if there is one

Thank you very much and sorry for my English is not my first language.

You can try it without it, but I haven't heard of any 650s that don't need it.

I just checked, it's possible for the base 650 to run without it. It's only a 60W card. I'd alert the seller and tell him you are worried about it missing. If he says it works without it then try it. If he gives you any grief then start the dispute process.

Edit: I see your post now, if its working then don't worry about it. As I said, the base 650 is a 60W part so its getting it's power from the slot. (75W)

This is the new Asus GTX 650-E, a low-power graphics card that takes all the juice it needs from your motherboard, without the need...
You can try it without it, but I haven't heard of any 650s that don't need it.

I just checked, it's possible for the base 650 to run without it. It's only a 60W card. I'd alert the seller and tell him you are worried about it missing. If he says it works without it then try it. If he gives you any grief then start the dispute process.

Edit: I see your post now, if its working then don't worry about it. As I said, the base 650 is a 60W part so its getting it's power from the slot. (75W)

This is the new Asus GTX 650-E, a low-power graphics card that takes all the juice it needs from your motherboard, without the need for a secondary power connector from the PSU itself. That means even if you don’t have a PSU capable of juicing up a standard GTX 650 you ought to be able to get Asus’ wee GPU running in your rig.

Looking at Asus’ new GTX 650-E though you have to wonder why exactly Nvidia demanded a PCIe power connector as standard for the GTX 650 reference design in the first place.

The PCIe connector on your motherboard is capable of jamming up to 75W into your graphics card through the PCI-Express bus itself, and the standard reference design of the GTX 650 is only set to draw a maximum of 64W. This GTX 650-E is rated at just 60W as a maximum TDP.
The card is working fine and I sent a message to the seller with the following


Today I received the graphics card and I have some questions first the box didn't have 1 x 6-pin power cable and also the card didn't have the extra 6 pin power socket is this normal?

His answer was

Hi Nick you only need the extra cable If you buy the 650ti model as the standard card powers off the motherboard directly

By score what you mean?
Hi , According to Nvidia , the extra 6 pins is for Overclocking .

Links (1 GB ASUS GTX 650) (with 6pins)

Links 2 : (2GB Asus GTX 650 ) (without 6pins )

OC requries stable power for the Garphics cards to run properly ..although if your PSU does not have a 6Pins , you can don't plug in the 6pins . :)
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