[SOLVED] GTX 760 Compatibility? Will it fit?

Jun 20, 2019
Motherboard: H61M-DS2 DVI

Had to copy paste, sorry.

But yeah the psu comes with a 6x2+2 pin molex (so there's 12 in total) so there should be enough for the card.

I'm just here wondering if the card will "plug" into the motherboard.. is my pci-e compatible with the motherboard?

Looking to buy this card here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MSI-GeFo...4&hash=item3d917b42c6:g:huYAAOSw4yJdV-8r#rwid
Other fakes:

-Seller is usually located in or around China
-The phony instruction manual in one of the pics with BOTH the green Nvidia Graphics icon and AMD Radeon Graphics in the bottom corner
-Why is the driver disc in the same pic so opaque, and not transparent like most?
-The generic cooler shroud - by itself, this isn't usually an issue, because custom cooler shrouds can be bought, but when combined with the...
I went ahead and purchased the 1050 ti listed below, card should fit right?

I also never had a problem with the psu, i did once where it burnt the ports for my gpu but that was my fault. I punched the second monitor which was kinda dying already and it caused the electricity in my house to cut out. Monitor died along with the gpu. I'll look to buy a new pc anyway once i get a job of course.


Could you confirm for me if this card will fit though? my only concern at the moment.
I went ahead and purchased the 1050 ti listed below, card should fit right?

I also never had a problem with the psu, i did once where it burnt the ports for my gpu but that was my fault. I punched the second monitor which was kinda dying already and it caused the electricity in my house to cut out. Monitor died along with the gpu. I'll look to buy a new pc anyway once i get a job of course.


Could you confirm for me if this card will fit though? my only concern at the moment.
Nah, that one's a fake. It's usually a rebadged GTX 500 series card.

If you do get it to fit, a way to confirm the card's ID is to use Gpu-Z.
Nah, that one's a fake. It's usually a rebadged GTX 500 series card.

If you do get it to fit, a way to confirm the card's ID is to use Gpu-Z.

Are you 100% sure? Could the guy just be selling it for less? please respond because else i'll refund the order. I don't want a fake gpu.

What is a decent card i can get in my budget limit ($60)? Just looking to play csgo
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Other fakes:

-Seller is usually located in or around China
-The phony instruction manual in one of the pics with BOTH the green Nvidia Graphics icon and AMD Radeon Graphics in the bottom corner
-Why is the driver disc in the same pic so opaque, and not transparent like most?
-The generic cooler shroud - by itself, this isn't usually an issue, because custom cooler shrouds can be bought, but when combined with the other points...
-The 'too good to be true' price
-The combination of monitor inputs: HDMI, VGA(!!!), and DVI-D - this is not a combo you will find on newer gpus
-The generic, or shopped image behind the gpu with the gpu name, or graphics card in big, bold lettering - I want to see ACTUAL PICS of the product if I'm going to shop in the used market
-I've simply seen enough of these things
Other fakes:

-Seller is usually located in or around China
-The phony instruction manual in one of the pics with BOTH the green Nvidia Graphics icon and AMD Radeon Graphics in the bottom corner
-Why is the driver disc in the same pic so opaque, and not transparent like most?
-The generic cooler shroud - by itself, this isn't usually an issue, because custom cooler shrouds can be bought, but when combined with the other points...
-The 'too good to be true' price
-The combination of monitor inputs: HDMI, VGA(!!!), and DVI-D - this is not a combo you will find on newer gpus
-The generic, or shopped image behind the gpu with the gpu name, or graphics card in big, bold lettering - I want to see ACTUAL PICS of the product if I'm going to shop in the used market
-I've simply seen enough of these things

Thanks, would this be real then? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MSI-GeFo...4&hash=item3d917b42c6:g:huYAAOSw4yJdV-8r#rwid

It is used but i'm fine with that.. and will the card fit in my motherboard?
Thanks, would this be real then? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MSI-GeFo...4&hash=item3d917b42c6:g:huYAAOSw4yJdV-8r#rwid

It is used but i'm fine with that.. and will the card fit in my motherboard?
That one's legit, and should fit the motherboard, unless you've have one of those restrictive small form factor cases.
The other issue, as already pointed out by @Dark Lord of Tech , is the power supply... I picked out cards that do not require additional connections to be on the safe side.
Unless you can replace that psu, I wouldn't recommend going with stronger cards... that's just playing with fire.
That one's legit, and should fit the motherboard, unless you've have one of those restrictive small form factor cases.
The other issue, as already pointed out by @Dark Lord of Tech , is the power supply... I picked out cards that do not require additional connections to be on the safe side.
Unless you can replace that psu, I wouldn't recommend going with stronger cards... that's just playing with fire.

So should i just go for this one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MSI-R775...815613?hash=item444191453d:g:FcAAAOSwOvRdMdD-

And also, i was running a 960 fine up until my eletrcitity cut out and burnt the ports for my gpu somehow. But then again it was a faulty monitor so i'm not sure.
That one is fine.

That is worrisome. What was faulty about this monitor?
That sounds like something the power supply could do.

one of the lighs was dead, blue line down the monitor not sure maybe one of the lights died lmaoo
but then again, as soon as i punched my monitor, that's when the monitor died along with the gpu
The cheapest I'd recommend:
PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: Corsair CXM (2015) 450 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Walmart)
Total: $59.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-19 01:54 EDT-0400

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS Gold 450 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($64.90 @ Amazon)
Total: $64.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-19 01:56 EDT-0400

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: Corsair CX (2017) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($64.99 @ Corsair)
Total: $64.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-19 01:58 EDT-0400

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($61.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $61.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-19 02:01 EDT-0400