Gtx 770 2gb or a gtx 760 4gb

More memory only shows its stuff at higher resolutions over 1080p (or a 3-monitor 1080p setup) and quality settings like AA. Get the 770 for your resolutions as it will provide far more performance. Your second 1366x768 monitor would be only a minor hit on the 770 GPU.
For 1080p get the 770. The 4gb on the 760 is not going to increase the performance of the card. The 760 doesn't have enough GPU power to utilize 4Gb of vram unless you are running 2 or 3 in SLI. Currently Watchdogs is about the only game that will need more than 2Gb of vram(skyrim can with a whole lot of mods) at 1080 at ultra settings it will use over 3gb. Another Option would be the 280x it performs at about the same level as the 770(maybe just a couple FPS slower) but it has 3Gb of vram for the newer games like watchdogs.
GTX770 is no brainer at any resolution...
More GB VRAM for GTX760 doesn't help against 760 2GB not even mentioning GTX770...
More tests 760 2GB vs 4GB
Now if you go for SLI laterz then GTX760 4GB is better.
But for a single GPU solution GTX770 is 20% faster.

He will only be gaming on 1 monitor. The 2nd is not going to noticeable affect gaming performance while playing on the first.