[SOLVED] GTX 950m from GL552JX Stutter on everything

Oct 20, 2021
I've also summarized the problem at the bottom if you want to skip the backstory

Spec :
Asus GL552JX
Windows 10 Pro-64 bit (21H1 19043.928)
BIOS GL552JX.203

i7-4720HQ 2.60GHz (8 CPU)
GTX 950m 4gb VRAM

Backstory :
I bought this old second hand laptop in 2017, while it's in windows 8.1, so i upgraded it to windows 10 on fall update, playing games on 60fps+ with low settings and 48fps medium settings is good enough for me since it's second hand anyway

I still noticed little stutters and it doesn't bother me, because i thought it's just overheated reaction from the laptop

but as the years pass on, the stutters become more consistent, on application and outside application, even now I can't even scroll the windows spreadsheet without waiting for the delay before it to goes down

I thought it was because of the windows, but when i compared with my brother's PC which doesn't have any VGA and only solely using i5-7600k + 8GB RAM with the same version of windows is capable to run light game like Osu!, Minecraft, dead space, basically any 2012 and below games in consistent 55fps+

while the games i mentioned i put to lowest setting to play on this laptop, it stutters a lot and below 24fps with 20ms+ input delay on game like Osu1

I tried to fix this by clean windows reinstall, the stutters also happens in the BIOS but it appear like slow screen rendering, once i installed Graphic driver, things were smooth, but the game and browser even spreadsheet still lags

Pushing further, I debloated the windows, by disabling the services, deleting the default apps, disabling defender, setting power option to High/Ultimate and tried to set all 8 cores active from "msconfig".

And yet the stutters remains, even worse(felt it).

With the hope to regain the smoothness from 2017, I even tried to install 1703 version of windows from pirated site, the stutters also remains on the desktop and in the BIOS.

Then, I thought to myself if its not from the OS, it should be from the hardware, so i opened and cleaned, messed up in network black and white cable, but was able to put it back, then cleaned the fan thoroughly, applied new thermal paste, (i noticed old thermal paste was too much that it got inside the plastic, unable to remove that)

Even after that it still stutters and become even more consistent!

now that i hopeless with the situation
there's things i yet to try
  1. Installing old driver (NVidia 373ish version) because it's the version before the stutters happens
  2. Downgrade to Windows 8.1
  3. Try windows 1803 - 1903 (there were no stutters in these version)
  4. Updating the BIOS (but my battery unable to recharge, stable 0%)
There's a consistent stuttering from my 6yo second hand GL552JX

Spec :
Asus GL552JX
Windows 10 Pro-64 bit (21H1 19043.928)
BIOS GL552JX.203

i7-4720HQ 2.60GHz (8 CPU)
GTX 950m 4gb VRAM

How bad is the stuttering ?
  1. Can't even scroll empty google spreadsheet without 1-2s delay and 3 to 5sec delay on full of data spreadsheet
  2. Can't open discord without freezing
  3. Can't open 4-5tabs without lagging (Microsoft Edge)
I have tried :
  1. Clean reinstall
  2. Downgrade to 1703 + Windows Debloats
  3. Cleaned the dusts
Things I noticed :
  1. Laggy BIOS
  2. Resource from Task Manager was barely used on streaming at Discord | 13% CPU | 39% Memory | 0% Disk | + not overheating, and i have good internet connection, but still stutters a lot
I humbly ask for your help for what should i do to prevent more stutters ?
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thanks for those who stop by to read, i've found the source of the problem
after dissembling and put it back, i noticed the M.2 SSD which is my windows location was loose, so it caused input lags

after screwing it with better bolt it was fixed, and everything back to normal

thanks for those who stop by to read, i've found the source of the problem
after dissembling and put it back, i noticed the M.2 SSD which is my windows location was loose, so it caused input lags

after screwing it with better bolt it was fixed, and everything back to normal
