Question GTX 960m temperature concern


Apr 3, 2017
As was playing Civilization 6 last night (graphics are geforce optimised)
Laptop was making a lot of noise
Upon looking at msi afterburner (+135mhz/1500 memory) the temperature was up to 87c and to a minimum of 50c

Any advice would be helpful or is this normal ?
It is high. It can cope up to circa 100 degrees. But I wouldn't want it going above 80 degrees if I could help it. Not only would it wear the GPU more and create more noise, your GPU can start throttling to compensate for the excess heat.

You can always give the laptop a thorough clean and make sure all fans are working normally and are free from any dust or debris. Equally ensuring the laptop is placed in a well ventilated place when in use. Obviously if you're playing it on a big dense pillow in a warm house, it's not going to ventilate very well.