GTX1060 Strix - Choppy FPS and loud coil whine

Reece OBrien

Apr 30, 2015
Hi guys,

So as the title says basically.

I sold my old PC that had a 4690K and GTX970 and built a new system with a 6600K and a GTX1060. I'm running all my games in the exact same settings as I was on my GTX970 and I swear to god my old rig outperforms my current one. Also today (the fourth day running this system) coil whine has become apparent and in some cases very loud when games are running.

Is this blatantly a faulty card or is there something I might have missed? I'm not new to PC building, been doing it for years. Just seems odd!

The GTX 970 and the 1060 are, theoretically; just about equal when it comes to performance. The 970 has a higher memory bandwidth 224.4 GB/s vs 192.2 GB/s and has more texture mapping units 104 vs 80 - but the 1060 has more memory, a significantly higher clock speed and memory speed.Also; the 1060 has a higher pixel rate 74.1 GPixel/s vs 58.8 GPixel/s. So; you should be seeing similar performace between the two.

As far as the coil whine; that very well may just be a card defect. How are the temps?

Hi thanks for your reply.

Temps are fine, nothing really above 65. I see what you're saying about the performance similarities of the two cards, but surely I shouldn't be seeing an easily noticeable performance deficit in my new build in comparison?

I've requested a replacement from Amazon anyway as there's no denying the coil whine. I guess I'll have to see if a new card shows improvement.

Just had a thought. I went with 2 x 4GB DDR4 for this build with the intention of upgrading later on to 16GB. Do you think that could be reason, am I bottlenecked by my RAM?

Nah... I used 8GB DDR4 in my GTX 1080 build for a while and all was well.