I wouldn't use "interesting" regarding any GPU. Best word i'd use, would be "intriguing" and that too, only for Intel Arc GPUs.
But when it comes to Radeon vs Nvidia, both have their pros/cons and it depends on user which one to prefer.
For gaming use, Nvidia is best. Top-notch performance, solid drivers. Downside is higher cost compared to Radeon.
Radeon GPUs do well in workstation use (and did well in cryptocurrency mining too). Downsides are higher power consumption and running hotter than same spec Nvidia GPU. But Radeon is cheaper than Nvidia.
So, for small budget people, Radeon GPUs have actually good value. Given that one then pays more for beefier PSU and spends more on PC's cooling. While also putting up with the driver issues (e.g stutters).
Nvidia is solid bet for anyone who is willing to pay top dollar for solid performance.
Personally, i prefer Nvidia. But i've used ATI and Radeon HD GPUs before too.