Guess Who Are the Most Loved/Hated Tech CEOs

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Yeal ok first of all whats the basis and population for these statistics? What percentage and departments did they actually contact? Is this via an email or online survey? How credible is it as well?
LOL public opinion has nothing to do with employees at apple. As long as hes not the type of CEO to get into everybodies everyday work, and if they get paid good.. That's really all that matters to workers.
I'm surprised Steve has a high level of approval. Granted he is a great leader and one can see why. When the board of directors fired him, he started Pixar, and Apple the company he co founded was going down, until he was hired as interim CEO, and under his leadership the Apple shot up again.

So why am I surprised he has a 98% approval level from his employee's is that Job's is known for his tantrums when things don't go his way or if the designs are not to his liking. The guys is a perfectionist.

I believe the Apple culture is similar to the one at Microsoft, where there is no 9 to 5 working hour, can dress casually and work at any hours as long as you do your job consistently.

I thought Job's would have had a lower rating for his tantrums and outbursts, unless he very much mellowed since which I doubt.

Don't know how the poll was taken but ifs based on leadership then yeah he deserves to be up there on top.

To bad Bill Gates is not running the day to day operations of Microsoft, I'd be curious of his approval ratings.
I think Balmer gets a bad rap. everyone remembers his crazy antics. not the things that he has broght to microsoft. here are some things that have happend on Steve Balmer watch.

1. Windows XP the longest running and highest selling OS of all time.
2. Xbox and Xbox 360.
3. Huge improvements in system security and stability on the windows platforms. SP2/SP3 anyone?
4. Decreased piracy with WGA and OGA

granted there have been mistakes. Vista in particular was not a great OS. I never had any problems with it. But I know other that have. most of it related to bloatware that OEM's install or old program that still contain 16bit code that will not run on 64bit version of the OS.
Windows Mobile and Pocket PC are both terible. I am looking forward to seeing WM7. I hope they have made the improvements they have talked about.

Balmer has done great things at Microsoft. I just think he is a sterotipical nerd with no scocial skills.

This chart reminds me of a company I worked for that participated on the Great Places to Work research. Only a few (usually selected by management) answered the polls and the company was always listed among the best places to work (which was funny, as competition paid better, we didn't get overtime, no end of the year parties and later they cup the performance bonus, performance raise and the free coffee).
I find this somewhat suspect. I'm sure his approval rating would be very high, but 98% seems a bit much. Given that this is all anonymous the system lends itself to severe abuse. I would bet the highest rated CEOs are not that high and the lowest rated are probably not that low. Except Mark Hurd because that guy really sucks. Then again with all of the free stuff Apple gives away and high stock prices maybe they really do like him that much.
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