Looking for max bang for the buck
code speed bus cache price mult new bus overclock
e6700 2670 1066 4 290 10 333 3336
e6600 2400 1066 4 209 9 333 2999
e6400 2130 1066 2 169 8 333 2662
e6420 2130 1066 4 174 8 333 2662
e4400 2000 800 2 124 10 333 3330
e4300 1800 800 2 124 9 333 2997
e6320 1860 1066 4 149 7 333 2324
q6600 2400 1066 8 490 9 333 2999
e6850 3000 1333 4 304 9 333 2998
e6750 2670 1333 4 221 8 333 2668
e6550 2330 1333 4 193 7 333 2328
Wiz can you please rank these processors in order of their ability to hit a higher bus speed without a new hsf. and preferably without overvolting.
Basically I am interested in knowing if intel is selling us some hidden gems

Can you also tell me whether there is any significant difference in stock hsf which comes with all these different processors?
I wouldn't want to buy such a slow core that it comes with a stock hsf that is half the quality of the higher end c2d.
For instance if it is true that we can take a 6300 @ 266 (which costs 150) to 333 fsb without significantly overvolting then we effectively have a e6550 which costs 193..
If we do the same for a 6400 (cost 169 here in germany)
it goes and becomes 6750 which costs 221 here.
and finally if we can overclock the e6600 it goes from being a 2.4ghz 209 euro processor to a e6850 which is a 3ghz 304 euro processor

Also another nice thing about the q6600 would be that even if I get stuck at stock 2.4 ghz its not too slow a cpu
😀. I could live with it.
I am not too interested in overvolting to start off the overclock.
If intel's binning process is efficient then there really should be no such easy overclocks for people like me. If however intel is churning out higher quality cores then maybe there is room for a free overclock.
Kindly reccomend the best pick among these candidates
Reward = gain in $ (if chip overclocks to higher level)
risk= cpu dies?? but the risk is only there if we significantly overvolt?
I suspect without overvolting the risk to the processor would be very near 0?
Basically I am looking for an expert to rank the outcomes in order of probability.
I do know that if we were to do something simple like just raising the fsb it would be one of the easiest overclocks.
I remember doing something like this with old celerons a very very long time ago.