The best bang for the buck for whom? Not for gamers thats for sure. This would be a nice business/home office build.I can't tell which overclocks best, because I build only systems that are best bang for the bucks. People around this forums, and people in real life that I know, know me very well that I build cheap systems, and overclock every single juice out of them. So far, I could only tell for E4300, E6300, E6320. Anyway, E6300/E6320 are more consistent in terms of overclocking, because it has soldered IHS (Integrated Heat Spreader).
As for the cheapest C2D, at the time this guide was written, E4300 was the cheapest on the market. I don't know how well the E2xxx overclock, but I may soon build a system based on that.
In gaming where the GPU is the king your best with the cheapest dual core and the best GPU. Even memory takes a second seat to the GPU in most all games. At 1280X1024 your system will start taking a beating from a cheaper dual core and a better GPU.
Note the 1280X960 high settings from next page.
This is a X2 3800+, 1GB of RAM, and a 8800GTX v/s an E6600, 2GB's of Ram, and 8800GTS. Im not trying to put down Intel here just saying a better build is the cheaper CPU E2140 and a $30 better GPU for gamers.