Guild wars 2 HD6970 (CF)

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Dec 17, 2010

I've just started Guild Wars 2 and I did not think that it was a very graphics intesive game. However, load on one card is 100%. When I enable crossfire load is just 100% on both cards. Odd thing is that the load builds gradually every time I start playing. So where there is only a +/- 40% load at the start (CF), 3 to 4 minutes later it is 100% again. When I alt-tab out of the game load drops again and the same thing happens...

Anyone has any idea why this happens?

The settings are all ultra, no supersample and shadows on medium.

Thank you

That's strange, I noticed that as well. I hear everyone saying that it is a CPU intense game and that it could benefit from supporting DX11, instead of DX9, as it would then allow the...

That's strange, I noticed that as well. I hear everyone saying that it is a CPU intense game and that it could benefit from supporting DX11, instead of DX9, as it would then allow the game to offload more onto the GPU, which is what DX11 allowed for. As of now, they say that processor speeds effect GW2 the most. Which would explain why overclocking my card from the default 840mhz to 900mhz made no noticeable difference but overclocking my CPU each 100mhz, made a difference. I am now running an FX8150 from the default 3.6ghz to 4.6ghz and 1800mhz DDR. This has made the biggest difference to me, and yet, at the same time, I am contradicted, as I notice that my GPU is always taxed at 100% load in Afterburner. I never see the low load levels you experience. I do know though, that DX9 does not make efficient use of shaders, so it takes a lot of hardware Muscle Power , to push DX9 game, whereas if it were to support DX11, and you have a DX11 card, it would take significantly less, due to better management. I think the biggest issue we run into here, is DX9 vs DX11 on DX11 cards.
From looking at other forum questions, both here on Tom's and at other sites, it seems that GW2 does some rather odd things of CFed systems. Other than ensuring drivers are fully up to date, along with the CAP and patching the game with the latest updates, I don't think there is much that can currently be done.

Just a data point at this time.
I run dual GTX 670s in SLI. A few notes on what I see -

* I would have expected the card to run at full power all the time, but it does not
* I would have expected the card to try to hold the gpu/mem clock to max most of the time, but it does not
* In spite of an i7 3770 and two gtx 670s in SLI, I drop to 60fps or even worse at times; I do believe some of this is due to it being an MMO - in high population areas, I see the worse fps
* I think a typical fps is 80 to 100 average, so it's definitely a GPU intensive game IMO; there's a ton of terrain and folliage to render along with many players and creatures (I am running on max appearence settings at 1080p - I could certainly turn some settings down with little loss in quality)

I would challange that this game is not GPU intensive based on my limited experience with it


Ok thx, I will do that
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