Gun Owners, Why Do You Own Guns?

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My reasons for gun ownership are totally home defense, I live out in the country in a high crime area, most of the crimes are drug related ending in killing the victims, in some worst cases over less than 20 dollars. :pfff:

What has this world come to, when someone would be killed for less than 20 dollars!

That's a Travesty!

Worse was that couple were older and really couldn't defend themselves, why kill them?

If the robbers had wore a mask why would they need to be killed, just pure evil mean behind those actions!

To make things worse we have 2 gangs in the closest county and 3 gangs in the neighboring county, some of the gang members commit crimes as part of their gang initiations.

So to me owning guns for home defense is a No Brainer!

That's why I have them and why they were purchased, what about you?


You should have learned in your permit class that by carrying the baton, it is considered a lethal weapon and can be used with deadly force. It would be the same as shooting someone and only wounding them.
Just as Zimmerman said he was attack with a weapon, the concrete. Something to consider.
I appreciate the design and function of firearms. Each serves its function: Hunting, practice, recreation, defense, and all for competition (think Three Gun competitions)

In Ohio, you couldn't hunt with a rifle. You had hunt with a shotgun because of the lack of significant foothills. Nothern Michigan and in mountainous states, rifles are permitted. Hiking, camping, etc. a trail gun serves are great purpose as well.

Growing up around farms, you realize the value of a rifle or shotgun. Long distance hikes or going into dangerous close areas, you realize the benefits of a handgun.

I simply feel that owning one of each class, each to serve its purpose, is the exact same thing as owning the right tool for the job.
I hunted in my earlier days of gun ownership up until I was involved in a hunting accident, and was accidentally shot in my right lower calf muscle with a 12ga shotgun using a #6 field load.

A very painful experience almost cutting my calf muscle in half, after recovering from that I no longer could kill a defense less animal when I had food resources available otherwise.

I joined the USN as a gunners mate, some thought I was crazy for doing that, but I had a fear of guns after being shot I had to rise above and becoming a gunner forced me to face my fears.

Though I would not shoot an animal unless it was suffering and had to be put out of misery, I would not hesitate to shoot someone invading my home.

So that's why the post in the first place.

And then you are sued by the person for pain, suffering, and loss of work. You win your self defense case easily, but then lose the civil trial because you didn't properly warn the person, or didn't do some small thing correctly while your attacker said he was trying to get away when you smacked him in the back of the knee.

I admire the fact that you'll do all that to have a 50/50 chance of getting screwed over.

Why would you say this, would you like to see all of us in FEMA camps? Perhaps the point of being armed is not to end up in one like most of the sheep in America. Our Founders specifically wrote the 2nd Amendment to protect ourselves from an out of control government, not to hunt or have fun or protect our families from criminals, just saying.

In South Carolina you're better off shooting to kill, if you only wound, you'll end up paying for them the rest of your life!

In Arizona we have an anti-maiming law that prohibits use of force to wound or disable a person, a very stupid law if you ask me. So a warning shot or perhaps an attempt to disable a person attacking you with a knife by trying to stop him/her with a leg wound would be illegal, a felony. That leaves only one option, shoot to kill if you are forced to defend yourself from great bodily harm, rape or arson of an occupied dwelling.
Because there's something intoxicating about the sweet aroma of fired gunpowder and Hoppes #9. Plus, I like talking about them and watching any anti-gunner within 20 feet of me squirm and get nervous. Of course, that's IF I had guns. Sadly, I lost all of mine in a boating accident not too long ago. So, if the NSA is looking into this thread they'll know I'm no longer armed and my wonderful collection is now swimming with the fishes.
Right, my collection was also stolen by trained cats last year after the mouse incident. Wink wink

I'm still not against guns or having them.. even after having some jack ass try to blow his head off within 4 feet of me with a .44 magnum revolver.

He fired more than a few shots. He was in lane 1, I was in lane 3. He was shooting a scary clown target. I was there about 45 minutes, he was there well before me. I recall he hadn't shot a full 50 rounds, more likely 25 rounds. He was shooting one shot every 1-3 minutes and taking a break every couple shots.

I didn't suspect anything at first. He was dressed normal, taking slow aim and shots. It's a powerful gun and he was a smaller person. I figured his frequent breaks were to rest his hands and get used to shooting.. not that he was contemplating shooting himself.

I sped up his mind to shoot himself though. As I finished shooting 100 rounds, I took my 2 empty boxes past lane 1 to the barrel to drop my used targets and empty boxes off. As I turned around, he was aiming down range. I was trying to gauge how well of a shot he was since he was shooting at 21 feet.. But something was wrong! It was hot.. he was.. had been wearing shorts. His shorts and boxers were around his ankles, bare ass hanging out. I quickly moved to my lane to grab my cell and head to the front office.. my own mistake is that I shot all my ammo, had an unloaded firearm, and was within a few feet of this guy. As I grabbed my cell, I turned for the range exit and glanced his way and he had shot himself in the head. His mistake was looking up too much and the .44 magnum round exited to the right of his nose, under his eye. He fell backwards, doing what I had thought were his death throes. He was looking at me but not focusing on me. I thought at first the gun kicked back and hit him in the face. I looked closer thinking I should help him and yell for help.. when I realized his shot himself. Fortunately, the gun was far away from him and he wasn't going anywhere. One for lacking empathy for others, I told him I couldn't help him and went to the front office to report what happened.

Before I was even able to leave the range, he was almost done with surgery. He lost his tongue, shattered his jaw, and had a massive concussion. He lived.
I hate guns period and would never ever own one.You have the police to back you up in case you need it.Poor excuse to own guns!
Damn shame you had to witness that. I guess the positive, if there is one, is that he only wanted to harm himself. About 8-9 months back a guy here pulled a similar stunt but after shooting about 40 rounds he saved a few and shot one of the clerks in the store. The clerk was a much betters shot and took the perp down. The perp died and the clerk needed surgery but ended up okay.

You know, when seconds count a cop is only minutes away. I hope you're never confronted with that situation. Earlier this week a group of armed men broke into a house, raped one woman (presumably the daughter), shot the other woman, and then forced one of the victims to drive to the ATM. Now, had the husband been armed the outcome may have been different. Or would you have just advised the victims to have 911 on speed dial next time?


This is a great dichotomy.
On the one hand, they claim to live in the greatest country in the world with lots of freedom and stuff. (freedom supposed to allow them to carry a weapon)
On the other hand, they can not move without their arms, because listening them, they live in a more dangerous place than Syria, with three gangs by street.

I've never seen a gun except through a window, I've never needed it.
If I "need" a weapon to leave or to stay home, I would not feel free. But besieged.


Stop with this kind of example completely demagogic and populist if you do not quote a reliable source at the same time.
I'm surprised because every time there is a debate on arms, two days before, two women have been ​​rape and kill because the father had no weapons.
If he had any weapons? more deaths.

Why do you continue to pay taxes to fund your police if they are unnecessary and replaceable by a 9mm?

We don't have as many legal guns in the UK as you do in the States but I am trained in them and carried one legally for some years. I also used to have a Greener GP single barrel Martini action 12 bore which put a lot of food on my plate and my dogs' bowls when I hiit a divorce related bad patch in the Eighties.

My problem with the self-defence argument is that you wold need to carry your handgun all the time, indoors and out, and in the time it takes you to prepare to fire, the other fellow, who had his ready to go, has got his retaliation in first.

Just my two-pennyworth. 😀

Oh, I'm sorry I must provide you with proof to back my story up. But, since you asked enjoy. As far as your statement that if he had firearms it would've meant more deaths, you may want to first note that I didn't say anyone was killed. However, had the homeowner had firearms and was prepared there may have been the death of a few thugs. The victims were lucky this time, but other victims are not so lucky.

As far as your other statement about why pay taxes for cops, remember this. The nature of the police force is reactive, not proactive. If you wish to roll over and give in to thugs and wait for the police to arrive that is your prerogative. However, it is within my constitutional right to bear arms and protect myself. If you don't like guns don't own them, but you do not have the right to decide for me.

Speaking of which, if you're anti-gun why did you answer a post directed toward gun owners?

In many cases there are people who carry them at all times. There are also times where the perpetrator may have an opportunity to draw first, but typically a well-trained gun owner carrying in public is aware of his or her surroundings and can either avoid the potential confrontation altogether or can react in a protective manner. Usually the perps aren't really familiar with firing a handgun and can be taken by surprise. Case in point, the perpetrator was able to fire first but the clerk was better trained and able to protect himself.

But, as you pointed out, there are multiple reasons one can own a gun beyond simply self defense. However, some people think that guns should be banned from everyone except for military and police.

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