My original comment on the subject was a simple "do what you want but don't tell others it is the way to do it without a disclaimer".
YOU took it to the next level getting into politics. But, when you say that politics has no place in technology site, you are proving right here where it is NEEDED.
I am not trying to grandstand or "soapbox" up a situation, I am trying to help inform the people that if they follow your suggestion they are breaking US and International law.
Regardless of what your (or my views) of the law are, I was informing what the law IS. While people find loopholes in all laws (like freedom of speech and the freedom of the press) some miss the point. While you can find a way around it, the law is clear, if it breaks copy protection, it is illegal. Copy Protection is the way an artist/producer retains control over their work.
Do I think you should be able to legally copy your own stuff? yes. Does that matter? no.
While the law hasn't been completely attacking the end users, right now, that doesn't mean it is legal. Just because every speeder isn't caught does that make it "legal" to speed? no, it just means you got away with the crime, it doesn't mean there was no crime. It goes back to "if a tree falls in a forest with noone around to hear it, does it still make a sound" yes... it does, that is how the world works.
While a philosophical discussion can be had about the merits of the DMCA and its international variants, that is beside the point. Do what you want, but if you advocate others to do the same, expect someone might want to say something about it.
"And how dare you quote Edmund Burke to me and implicitly accuse me of doing evil?" This made me laugh so hard. BTW from wikipedia "Evil, in many cultures, is a broad term used to describe intentional negative moral acts or thoughts that are cruel, unjust or selfish."
Following a law is moral. "Intentional negative moral acts" could be a direct example of breaking the law.
So yes I dare say you are perpetuating evil. Just as much as a drug user is responsible for ALL the poppy fields. If the user didn't exist the fields wouldn't make money and people wouldn't die for that product.
When you get off your high horse and start to rejoin us lawful people I will rejoice. Until then I will rnadomly stop by and say the law is law. I am not a lawyer, I don't work for the RIAA or the MPAA, I just am a citizen that likes America and would love to have America more lawful and less like the wild west.
You may veheminantly dislike my view, but it is supported by fact not opinion.
"Ed is a freelance writer, not an employee of Tom's Hardware. His views, which we respect, are his own." "If you want to discuss editorial content on-topic and in a mature manner" So it isn't mature to say something is illegal? Wonderful.