I have to apologize in advance for the wall of test here, feel free to jump to the last paragraph.
LOL. A little troll-feeding (read "getreal feeding"):
Your argument that Android tablets don't sell seems to be contradicted by facts. According to the same logic, hot cakes don't sell either, because Nexus 7 (to give just an example) is selling like that.
You bring up numbers in terms of Android units (and this particular Tab), giving us your "invaluable" estimate of sales. You seem to conveniently forget that there are more than one model out there, giving people a real choice in terms of purchase, and I will put this on the fact that you, as a Apple user, can not really understand what "choice" means, because you don't have one when you buy your tablet/phone. You also seem to forget the fact that Android is still number one mobile OS in the world, and are completely oblivious to the fact that it is so simply because it is a superior OS with unmatched flexibility, giving users a choice (again that "cursed" word) regarding how their devices should operate and feel. Fact is, you can not stand the fact that not everyone has your preference in terms of technology, and the simple fact that others might actually enjoy their choice (and the fact that they have a choice) drives you insane.
You bring up the fact that a digitizer and stylus is "old technology". There have been no new technology since the invention of the wheel (so to speak), and your precious iPad was stolen from Gene R., the father of Star Trek. According to your same logic, iPad, which is merely a tablet, is not revolutionary, either, because tablets have been invented a long time ago, they all deploy screens and just a bump in resolution is not something to brag about. Applying double standards to your assessments only proves that writing while intoxicated with rage is always going to give you away as a troll, and that is rather sooner than later.
Before you start ranting about how Android buyers are only able to purchase subsidized devices, may I remind you that everybody that buys an iPhone is buying it with a wireless plan, hence at subsidized price. If you were to walk in an Apple store and purchase one at a FULL price you would likely have to go back to your mother and ask for your 10-year allowance in advance. I say there is nothing wrong with people purchasing phones at subsidized prices (albeit there is something wrong with the whole subsidy sale model, as people can not get discounted plans for bringing their own phones, but that's entirely another story), because purchasing power has nothing to do with being a decent human being, although I have seen you shamelessly claim on this forum that you are better than others because you can afford to buy an iPhone. I hope you're enjoying your subsidized (read: cheap) device and I welcome you in the "inferior" people's ranks; just make sure you don't mention who you are to them, they might not take it too lightly. LOL.
Last, but not least, name-calling and looking down one's nose at others is not only uncivilized, but also childish and grotesque and does not belong in a technical forum. If you like posting this much, why don't you join the ranks of helpers in the Forums, with your vast knowledge in iTechnology you might be able to steer a few people that are having issues with their Apple-issued tech (gasp, I know, incredible, isn't it?) and help them fix their problems. While this is a reasonable suggestion, the overall tendency of your posts leads me to believe that your people skills are very poorly developed.
I would like to stick around and teach you a thing or two about class, but this is something you can't teach; you either have it, or you don't. Obviously, you don't belong to the first category. Reading your posts brings a vivid image of an enraged nerd foaming at the mouth spewing curses, mixed with the tale of the "sour grapes". If you don't know what I am referring to, read it up. Reading is good for you, opens up your mind and enables you to make better choices in life (sorry, I had to use the c-word again).
If the above is too much for your reading, let me translate it for you: you owned yourself in almost each and every post on this forum, showing a complete lack of education and knowledge. I didn't have to do a thing; last piece of advice - it's better to shut up and let people think you are dumb than open your mouth are remove all doubt about it.
It's a nice day out there, even if Samsung came up with something new today; get out of the basement and take a deep breath, you might like it.
Have to end the feeding, got better things to do with my life. Adios.