Question Hard disk S.m.a.r.t error

Apr 19, 2019
"Hard Disk Test" Failed
"Hard Disk 1Quick" (303)
"Hard Disk 1Full" (305)
"Hard Disk 1SMART" (301)

System Diagnostics

F1 System Information
F2 Start-up Test
F3 Run-in Test
F4 Hard Disk Test

F11 Eroor Log

ESC Exit
for more information,please visit\go\techcenter\startup

What this solution... plz help me........
plz help me........
plz help me........
plz help me........
plz help me........


how to resolve this problem.. plz help.
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Run the manufacturer test program if that is not from that program. A failure of the HDD test indicates a dying drive, so backup all data ASAP if you have not done so yet. Then RMA the drive if still under warranty.

If out of warranty you will need a new drive if you fail the manufacturer drive test software -- you can download such software from the support site for each drive manufacturer.

If you want advice on SMART errors, you will need to post the specific SMART error failed. Some of the most troubling are increasing pending sector and reallocated sector counts.