This hard drive was kinda always a bit noisy. However recently it started producing occasional metallic "click" sound. From time to time usually when i for example start a video playback , open folder with a lot of files i sometimes hear a feint metallic -click- It sounds exactly like click of death but its not constant its just occasional.
Crystaldyskinfo results:
Anything i should be worried about judging from these results and this sound? I know it says "Good" stil i'd like to be sure.
This hard drive is 5 years old still tho my other hard drive on my backup PC lasted like 10 years of excessive use and is still kicking.
I did backup important stuff recently on one of my externals just wondering if i should be careful with this one or is it looking safe (safe enough)?
Crystaldyskinfo results:

Anything i should be worried about judging from these results and this sound? I know it says "Good" stil i'd like to be sure.
This hard drive is 5 years old still tho my other hard drive on my backup PC lasted like 10 years of excessive use and is still kicking.
I did backup important stuff recently on one of my externals just wondering if i should be careful with this one or is it looking safe (safe enough)?
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