Question Hardware or software problem? (gaming stuttering/delays after cleaning and resetting)


Aug 8, 2018

My pc was dusty so i decided to clean it (i used an air compressor blow machine). I accidentaly loosened the cpu cooler and it overheated/shut down untill i fixed it. I opened the chassi several times since the pc would not start but got it to work after resetting cmos and unplugging/reinstalling memory.

But after that i had slow performance most noticable when trying to play leauge, with stuttering/lag. Other tasks seems to work ok althought occasionally there is slight delay and i can see "system interupt" in task manager.

Things i tried:
Changing settings in bios and resetting them, reinstalled windows (with personal files option), checking part temps for overheating, installing/updating drivers, stress tests (burnintest ect), performance/benchmark tests (seems to suggest every part is as good as expected), built in windows diagnostics, running aida64 and intel extreme tuning to check for throttling (both did not encounter problems during 15 min) and lastly i recently replaced the thermal paste. I thought this would solve it (redone it two times because pins would not click completely). I noticed the black pins inside the white cpu fan mounts are not completely down altought the heatsink does seem to make full contact and the screws are secured.

Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K @ 3.30GHz, Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology 50°C
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24) (2x2 GB dual + 4 GB)
Motherboard: MSI P67A-C45 (MS-7673) (SOCKET 0) 52 °C
Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (MSI) 44 °C
Storage:1863GB Seagate ST2000DL003-9VT166 ATA Device (SATA ) 32 °C

I would very much appreciate any help
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Yea, i found others having trouble with this aswell. However this pc issue does not seem to be related to overheating since the temps are stable. Is it even worth trying to reapply it one last time? (i did the cross pattern push 2nd time which made it better).
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I will double check this. However i did not notice anything. But wouldnt this give other kinds of issues with stability or crashes?
I have now checked everything thoroughly (cables, loose parts/stuff) and reseated every component. Does anyone have any ideas what to do next?