Question Has any one successfully fixed an AIO liquid cooler?

without leaking?

Doubtful since the seal between cold plate and pump has been damaged after you took it apart. Also, AIOs aren't meant to be serviced/repaired, thus the seal/gasket is 1 time use. When AIO dies, buy a new one. <- That is one of the many downsides of AIOs, compared to air coolers. With air cooler, you only have to replace cheap fan and it's good to go.
O-rings on the tube fittings have failed on me before, just a simple replacement job (old H80i I had). The main seal though is more tricky, but still replaceable with gasket material. If it is still pliable and not cracked it should be re-useable, just clean it without too much force. If a whole bunch of black gunk comes off when wiping it repeatedly, it needs replacing.

If you completely clean it, refill it with distilled water and a biocide, and the pump still spins, maybe. (Or coolant if you ever expect it to be exposed to freezing temperatures)

Priming the pump is the tricky part since the only 'fill' location is the pump block itself. It is usually necessary to pop the tubes off, completely fill the tubes and radiator before attempting to turn it on. Once it is working, you pretty much have to take it apart again to top it off with fluid.

You would want to test it once reassembled, and monitor it closely.

So if that sounds like something you want to do rather than spending $60-80 on a replacement, it can be a fun afternoon.
Thanks guys for the input.
Was able to clean it, fill it up and seal it back.
It appears to be working just fine, but I am a bit apprehensive to install it back on the main system.
I will use it when testing and troubleshooting hardware...where I can keep my eyes on it.
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