[SOLVED] Having awful issues with fps drops/stuttering in all games I play.


Apr 13, 2018

I am having crazy issues with stuttering/fps drops in game. My knowledge is limited so I don't know if they are strictly/always the same.

I have run a userbenchmark which is here: https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/36601911

Last night I ran one which is here: https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/36585097

The only change I made was to follow the guide it gave on on overclocking my GPU hoping it may help my problem but it has not helped at all. I usually play games such as Valorant and Apex legends, with the latter being the more taxing of course, but I usually stream whilst playing and have never had these issues before. It was running completely fine at 2pm yesterday when I stopped playing Apex legends. Then I loaded up Valorant at about 6pm joined a game, and the stuttering commenced , so I tested Apex legends to see if it was across all games and it appears it is.

I have clips of the stuttering in both games here:
View: https://clips.twitch.tv/GenerousFurryGoshawkTinyFace

View: https://clips.twitch.tv/TangibleCrackyFennelArgieB8

Sorry not trying to advertise my twitch, just want to give you the best possible explanation of the issue.

When running task manager, I can notice that my CPU is often exceeding 100% which I have never noticed before (not saying it didnt happen, I just have never noticed as I dont usually play with task manager open, though I feel like I have played Valorant before with very minimal CPU use). I can see that the use is close to 100% at most times in game and then all of a sudden it will rise to 100% and that is when I tend to stutter. I have attached a picture that I took earlier which shows this, and as can be seen in the picture, it is almost solely the game that is using the processor as opposed to other applications.

I have the issue even when not streaming, I only streamed those clips so that I could show you what I see.

I also have attached a picture of HWMonitor during a session that was maybe 2 hours long, for the first 80 minutes I was working so using minimal load etc and for the final 40 minutes I was playing Apex legends which is where I presume the maximum figures come from (GPU temp increased when I overclocked last night to see if it would help I increased its max temp, it was at about 80c yesterday and the issue was still occuring.)

I have noticed a strange issue with my intel driver support assistant as I have been looking into my CPU a bit more as the 100% use led me to believe it may be a CPU issue and for somer reason the driver assistant tries to scan my system and fails now. There is also the image below where the DRA service which I believe is in intel driver updater? is using a huge chunk of my CPU which is when I was in game.

Sorry if this is too much information or too little, I am more than happy to give any more information needed but I just might need a little guidance on how to get the information to you.


HW monitor: HW monitor data
Task manager image : View: https://imgur.com/a/frZI7Dj

System information is in the user benchmarks, the GPU is EVGA Geforce RTX 2080.

Please let me know if you need any more information.


Mar 10, 2019
I tend to run all games on the HDD, I can try to quickly download 1 onto the SSD and see if that solves the issue?
Putting games on a hard drive is like sending a big rig through a doorframe, it's going to cause stuttering on high end hardware like you have. If you put a game on the SSD, it should stop stuttering. If it doesn't it might be a problem with background programs, as 100% CPU usage would also cause stutters. Make sure you don't have any other tabs open, check TM and see which programs are using the most, uninstall antivirus programs, etc.


Apr 13, 2018
Putting games on a hard drive is like sending a big rig through a doorframe, it's going to cause stuttering on high end hardware like you have. If you put a game on the SSD, it should stop stuttering. If it doesn't it might be a problem with background programs, as 100% CPU usage would also cause stutters. Make sure you don't have any other tabs open, check TM and see which programs are using the most, uninstall antivirus programs, etc.
Thanks - I always thought you could do that, at least for multiplayer games like Valorant where you only have to load the game files say once per round, not like mid way through a round.

I did just try this though and the issue is still there, but I am now very confident having had TM open and played . The 2nd imugr file I uploaded that shows the DSA service using an extremely large chunk of my CPU. This seems to be causing the issue. Even when out of game its having random fluctiations from 0% usage and jumping to 60%+.

I have read I dont need it and can uninstall it, would you say thats the best thing to do, is there a way to check if I have a bad driver update installed or something? It was previously set to auto download and install drivers but as I said now the intel support and driver assistant can't even scan my device properly so I don't know how to install an older driverr that worked better.
