HD 5750 + AMD A6 APU: Is Crossfire Possible?


May 19, 2012
Hi everyone,

I have an HD 5750 installed in my current desktop and I am thinking of upgrading to an AMD APU, either an A6 or an A8. I was wondering if I could Crossfire my current GPU with the APU's IGP. Any ideas?

I've never run a Crossfire or SLI rig before so consider me kind of a noob in these regards :-/

Advice would be appreciated.

currently available desktop amd apus (a8 3850, 3870k etc) don't crossfire with radeon hd 5700 (5750, 5770) series. the highest it can crossfire is radeon hd 6670. the 5750 will work as a seperate discreet gfx card when you connect your display to it.
click on the desktop tab to see gfx cards compatible for crossfiring with amd apus.

Thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll just get another GPU after I upgrade to an APU.