Question HDD Got Bad Sectors and I can't backup my data

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Jun 28, 2019
Hi everybody , I need emergency helps

I have a HDD [ Seagate Barracuda 2TB Internal ] and it contains all of my hard works in last 5 years results and resources.
yesterday morning it went slow and was freezing when I was trying to copy some data and when I restarted computer I faced S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Setup message.
I checked the error with HD Tune pro and error was :
Reallocated Sector Count 79 79 10 27861 warning

I disconnected my drive and ordered a Western 2TB Purple internal hard and got it at night , I tried to copy data with windows first but it was so slow so I decided to clone hard image via
Active Boot Disk Image in boot and it told me it takes 1000 hours . everytime I restarted my pc Segate hard went slower and it affects windows start up time and every other function in my pc.
At this moment I'm writing this post :

- Pc shows up smart bad status error randomly on startup and sometimes it's not exist on bios settings when I press F2 or Delete on startup.
- Windows 10 freezes on loading with no error and it takes forever , yesterday it just got 10 min then 15 min then 20 min and now I left the pc for 2 hours and nothing happened , freezing...
- ActiveBoot freezes just like windows on startup and takes forever

The Drive has two partition E and D.

I have my works on it and I really tried hard for them and data is fixed up to 1900 GB

- Is my data missing and gone ?
- Can I get them back with any software and write them to my new hard ?
- What is best action I can do to save my data ?

Also , I found a data center they told me they recover data by using a PC3000 machine but it's so expensive.

I really need a pro guidance , I'm going crazy I really worked hard on this data and without them it's like I wasted all my life till now 🙁

Thanks , Regards,
Welcome to the forums my friend!

Unfortunately this is the difficulty with not backing up regularly.

As far as recovery, you have already tried a straight copy, which hasn't worked.
Alternatively you can try software like Recuva which may have some better luck at recovering data.
After that, the professional service is the only way to go.
Even if you did straight clones, it doesn't mean the new clone won't be corrupt.

It's expensive because it is a completely different process and it specialist (expert) recovery. You're paying for the expertise and experience of the operators in recovering it. That's what professional recovery is for.

The best way to save data is to prevent loss in the first place. Keep regular backups if it is critical data or use cloud backup software, otherwise you lose it.

Sorry to hear of the issue, but I hope you do get it recovered.
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This is when you pull out that backup that you have been making regularly and restore to the most current date. What? No backup? If your data is that important then you only have one option and that is to take that drive to a data recovery service and pay the price. If you play with it, not knowing what you are doing, you will only make matters worse, likely to the point that even the professionals can't recover it.
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Is taking 1000 hours because it has detected corruption, and it retries and retries and retries.

The thing to do is to use a third party app to clone the entire disk to another known-to-be-good disk, AS-IS, then you look at the log see how extensive the corruption is, what files are being affected, and go from there.

If u don't feel comfortable doing this, then am afraid u gotta pay somebody to do it. Maybe worth it if data is important enough. But they are not going to guarantee you anything depending the extend of the corruption.

Seagate has a recovery service???
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Thank you guys , yeah I'm really blaming myself for not getting a backup you know it was 2TB and I couldn't get a backup for money issues but yeah it was a big mistake.

So yeah I tried to do something and it's getting worse ... but at this point do I have any chance to get data back as they was on 2 Drive ?
Or recovery service gives me extracted files in lost directories [ I mean PC3000 ] ?

If they can recover it as two partition just like it was I will pay for it I work full time to get the money but I need to know is any chance for me right now with this situation ?

Seagate has a recovery service???
No , it's a Hard Recovery Center with experts and a clean room to hard surgery.

Thank you all again.
This drive contains 8 years of my researches and developments and I just was finishing it in this year...
Then you need to STOP MESSING WITH IT, and contact a data recovery service.
This will involve lots of money.

Yeah I'll do but I wanna know is there any chance they can take data back ? and if they do , data will be in the same way it was or it's in lost directories like regular recovery apps do ?
Yeah I'll do but I wanna know is there any chance they can take data back ? and if they do , data will be in the same way it was or it's in lost directories like regular recovery apps do ?
The only ones that can answer that question work at the recovery service, and even then there are absolutely no guarantees that they can recover anything at all. They don't/won't know until they get the drive on the bench.
This drive contains 8 years of my researches and developments and I just was finishing it in this year...


Stop trying to clone the whole thing; in fact, I'd either prioritize on simply getting the most important smaller files off of it, or, stop altogether, and send it to $300 data recovery...(and pray the drive is not too horribly 'hard crashed'...)

For those folks with no backups, at least use the numerous free cloud services, DropBox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, P-Cloud, JottaCloud, etc...; none have free 2 TB of capacity, of course but, 60 GB of important data each backed up in 5-6 locations in 2-10 GB increments is better than none... If all else fails, use the 2 cents each CD's and /or write-once DVDRs; 32 GB flash drives are pretty cheap as well....
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Any other suggestions ?
I went to the agent or whatever they call it , I said my hard got back sectors and I need recovery and he said why not just repairing and asked me why I want to copy my data to new hard when they can fix bad sectors , I said is that impossible ? He said my hard doesn't generate sound so it's possible !!! can Reallocated Sector Count 79 79 10 27861 warning be a software issue ? :|
Yeah I'll do but I wanna know is there any chance they can take data back ? and if they do , data will be in the same way it was or it's in lost directories like regular recovery apps do ?

At this point, worrying about how the data is organized is the least of your worries. It's a coin flip whether you'll get back your data, let alone having it neatly organized.
I got my hard back , Check this out please :
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