Hi everybody , I need emergency helps
I have a HDD [ Seagate Barracuda 2TB Internal ] and it contains all of my hard works in last 5 years results and resources.
yesterday morning it went slow and was freezing when I was trying to copy some data and when I restarted computer I faced S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Setup message.
I checked the error with HD Tune pro and error was :
Reallocated Sector Count 79 79 10 27861 warning
I disconnected my drive and ordered a Western 2TB Purple internal hard and got it at night , I tried to copy data with windows first but it was so slow so I decided to clone hard image via
Active Boot Disk Image in boot and it told me it takes 1000 hours . everytime I restarted my pc Segate hard went slower and it affects windows start up time and every other function in my pc.
At this moment I'm writing this post :
- Pc shows up smart bad status error randomly on startup and sometimes it's not exist on bios settings when I press F2 or Delete on startup.
- Windows 10 freezes on loading with no error and it takes forever , yesterday it just got 10 min then 15 min then 20 min and now I left the pc for 2 hours and nothing happened , freezing...
- ActiveBoot freezes just like windows on startup and takes forever
The Drive has two partition E and D.
I have my works on it and I really tried hard for them and data is fixed up to 1900 GB
- Is my data missing and gone ?
- Can I get them back with any software and write them to my new hard ?
- What is best action I can do to save my data ?
Also , I found a data center they told me they recover data by using a PC3000 machine but it's so expensive.
I really need a pro guidance , I'm going crazy I really worked hard on this data and without them it's like I wasted all my life till now 🙁
Thanks , Regards,
I have a HDD [ Seagate Barracuda 2TB Internal ] and it contains all of my hard works in last 5 years results and resources.
yesterday morning it went slow and was freezing when I was trying to copy some data and when I restarted computer I faced S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Setup message.
I checked the error with HD Tune pro and error was :
Reallocated Sector Count 79 79 10 27861 warning
I disconnected my drive and ordered a Western 2TB Purple internal hard and got it at night , I tried to copy data with windows first but it was so slow so I decided to clone hard image via
Active Boot Disk Image in boot and it told me it takes 1000 hours . everytime I restarted my pc Segate hard went slower and it affects windows start up time and every other function in my pc.
At this moment I'm writing this post :
- Pc shows up smart bad status error randomly on startup and sometimes it's not exist on bios settings when I press F2 or Delete on startup.
- Windows 10 freezes on loading with no error and it takes forever , yesterday it just got 10 min then 15 min then 20 min and now I left the pc for 2 hours and nothing happened , freezing...
- ActiveBoot freezes just like windows on startup and takes forever
The Drive has two partition E and D.
I have my works on it and I really tried hard for them and data is fixed up to 1900 GB
- Is my data missing and gone ?
- Can I get them back with any software and write them to my new hard ?
- What is best action I can do to save my data ?
Also , I found a data center they told me they recover data by using a PC3000 machine but it's so expensive.
I really need a pro guidance , I'm going crazy I really worked hard on this data and without them it's like I wasted all my life till now 🙁
Thanks , Regards,