Yesterday one of my hard drives suddenly stopped working. When I disassembled it to see the issue, I noticed that 2 pins (5 and 7) were missing, and another one (6) was loose, and probably broken.
The pin #6 looks ok in the photo, but it's loose. I pulled out a little bit before I took the picture, but it was almost underneath the plastic at PCB when I plugged it out.
@fzabkar wrote in this thread that maybe by soldering the pins together, it could be fixed, but I wouldn't know how to do it exactly. Could a jumper be made between lugs from the solder pad itself on the PCB?
Right now, it seems like the hard drive isn't receiving any power, as there's no movement or vibration detected inside. Would this mean that the PCB could also be damaged?
How would you proceed in my case?
Thank you all.
(PS. The drive is a 2.5" 3TB Seagate Barracuda ST3000LM024)
The pin #6 looks ok in the photo, but it's loose. I pulled out a little bit before I took the picture, but it was almost underneath the plastic at PCB when I plugged it out.
@fzabkar wrote in this thread that maybe by soldering the pins together, it could be fixed, but I wouldn't know how to do it exactly. Could a jumper be made between lugs from the solder pad itself on the PCB?
Right now, it seems like the hard drive isn't receiving any power, as there's no movement or vibration detected inside. Would this mean that the PCB could also be damaged?
How would you proceed in my case?
Thank you all.
(PS. The drive is a 2.5" 3TB Seagate Barracuda ST3000LM024)