Seemingly out of nowhere, windows stopped recognizing my HDD. It wasn't after downloading something, it wasn't after a shutdown or anything, just out of nowhere. When I tried to access the HDD, it said the "folder was empty". However windows still knew how much space was remaining on the drive. After rebooting, the file manager didn't even detect my HDD. A quick look in disk management showed that the drive appeared as "Unknown, not initialized". It also says the device has 0Gb for capacity (it's actually 1TB). When I tried to view the disk in diskpart, it said the drive was online but had a size of 0GB. Strangely enough, after I took another look into my PC and rebooted, then diskpart wasn't even showing the drive (although disk management still did). When I try to initialize the disk, it says the specified file cannot be found. So, is my drive dead? Do i need to hold a funeral?