HDD Slow Transfer Speed / No Option for PIO/DMA


Jun 14, 2012
Hey guys,

I'm hoping someone here can help me with my problem my HDD speed is really slow for extracting a 1.2G file the speed is no longer higher then 2149kbs and it takes 40 - 50 minutes to extract.

I've done my research in what it could be so i checked if the drive was in PIO mode, but when i go to device manager - IDE settings, i have two channels; ATA channel 0 and ATA channel 1 when i go to advanced settings on both of them it does not have any devices listed... now i'm running out of ideas on what to do, i've done a fresh installation off windows 7 aswell.

P.S - im not very experienced with PC's so i don't know all this BIOS stuff.

Hope you guys can help.
Download a free utility like HDTune or speedfan and check the SMART status of the drive. You can also run a chkdsk on the drive by:

1. open a command prompt
2. type chkdsk c: /F /R and press ENTER
note: replace c: with your drive letter.
3. If it asks if it's ok to run on next boot, answer yes and reboot.

WARNING: The /R flag will run a full sector scan which can take a long time especially on large drives.

Western Digital, Seagate, and other drive manufactures also provide drive diagnotic tools. You can download them from their respective site and have it check your drive.