Hello I am going crazy trying to figure out what Motherboard i want for my i7-4770k


Apr 10, 2013
Hello i am going crazy trying to figure out what motherboard i want for my i7-4770k i have done a fair amount of research but still have not decided on what motherboard i want. I want to know what the best "Gaming" motherboard is for the i7-4770k

I have been looking at these motherboards could you let me know if they are any good? or can you help me find better ones! please

MSI Z87-GD65 Gaming: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130692

ASUS MAXIMUS VI HERO: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131989

ASUS MAXIMUS VI FORMULA: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132038

I just want help deciding on what the best "Gaming" Motherboard is i plan on OCing it to 4.2Ghz max and i am going to be running a single GPU 780 ti superclocked http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487001

Help me pick somthing i am going crazy trying to figure out what one i like best and what one to pick!

Also help me find some good ram with the selected motherboard we decide to get

Thanks for all information in advanced it is much appreciated. you are awesome thank you for reading!

The SupremeFX chip consists of the same Realtek 1150 chip with extra software features. I would go for the Hero since it is cheaper and has the same if not better sound.

Edit: Also your headset uses a USB connection so it does not matter about what sound card you have
PF standing for platform? What is better then the hero or the formula

is there any better motherboards than those 2 or those are the best for gaming?

What is better the MSI Z87-GD65 Gaming or ASUS MAXIMUS VI FORMULA for overall performance FPS wise
What are I/O features or what does I/O features mean?


Well not really sure what PCIe's are i know about sata and usbs but not that if you could explain how does it have a impact on gaming? or what ever it has impact on

i am aware that the hero , formula and the MSI z87 gd 65 gaming motherboards all have on board sound cards built in. would i be able to put a better one on my motherboard to get a better sound quality or will the on board sound card interfere with the new card if i decide to upgrade? will there be no problems?

oh so more expensive motherboards allow you to get more pcie bandwidth to your gpu and ur sound card you can run both no problem?


More expensive motherboards may give you:

Better quality components in terms of durability
Better performing components such as better sound, stronger VRM
Exclusive features like ASUS's ROG connect
More USB 3.0, POSSIBLY better expansion slot layout, more SATA port
Additional PLX chips may give you the ability to run more expansion cards
Better aesthetics, very objective

There are definitely more things but I can not think of them right now
So should i get the Asus maximus 6 Hero or the Asus Maximus 6 Formula what one is better? is the 100$ more price worth it? the formula?


Depends if you want to overclock to 6 ghz and do crazy stuff. If you need to ask it is probably best to save the money and go with the cheaper one. Personally I would go with some lower end board since the motherboard does not effect FPS, better to spend the money on a better graphics card.
I only want to over clock it to 4.2 ghz max and run a single GPU the 780 ti and i have 1 SSD 500gb and im planning on buying a 1-2 TB hard drive so the Asus maximus hero would be good for that? is the on board sound card the same as the formula ( the hero vs formula ) ( ROG SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC ) heres a link to compare http://www.asus.com/Compare/ What one is better?


i am using the razer megalodons Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound USB Gaming Headset : http://www.razerzone.com/ca-en/gaming-audio/razer-megalodon/
The SupremeFX chip consists of the same Realtek 1150 chip with extra software features. I would go for the Hero since it is cheaper and has the same if not better sound.

Edit: Also your headset uses a USB connection so it does not matter about what sound card you have

Ok but i phoned one of my local computer part stores in canada named memory express if that matters but the guy on the phone said when i asked if the asus maximus 6 hero was a good motherboard he said that it increase the voltage or something which would make the i7-4770k degrade over time im not sure maybe he doesn't know what hes talking about but i think he said something along those lines i can't really remember 100% what he told me on the phone but do you know if the asus maximus 6 hero is a very solid board? would it last me 4-5 years and not screw up my i7-4770k? i want it to last 4-5 years

Practically any of the $150+ motherboards can increase the voltage of the CPU. Best to not mess around with the settings if everything is working fine. If you are overclocking you may need to increase the voltage but I am not sure how much you will need for 4.2ghz. The ABSOLUTELY MAX you will need is 1.5v
I wont be overclocking it right away i will probbaly run at stock speeds for a while untill i decide to overclock it look at temps and such i know some CPU's can't be overclocked its the luck of the draw to be able to overclock high but that being said. Do you think i will have any problems with the maximus 6 hero?