Help After Upgrade



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Ok, So I downloaded and installed SP2, then my PC would
not boot up. I got the whole "Explore had encountered
errors and mucst close" message. So I couldnt even see my
desktop. So I boot up in Safe mode AND Last known good
config. Same thing. So I boot from the WIN XP Pro disk.
Floow the proceedure for an upgrade, but now, all of the
sudden, all my profiles are gone. I had to even create a
new one to be Admin. But here is the kicker. All of the
old profiles STILL have folders in the Documents and
Settings folders on the C Drive, and all the files are
intact. How do I sign on to XP using those old profiles?
Also, if it helps, foe some reason, XP renamed my
computer from the old name it gave it the first time I

Thanks For The Help
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)


Unfortunately, something went awry during your attempted repair
installation, and at some point you did a new installation. This creates new
profiles and new SID's. What this means is that you will be unable to use
your old user profiles. What you can do is create new ones, then copy the
data from the old ones over into them. This should recover a majority of
your old settings and files, but programs will need to be reinstalled.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone
Windows help -

"denwak" <> wrote in message
> Ok, So I downloaded and installed SP2, then my PC would
> not boot up. I got the whole "Explore had encountered
> errors and mucst close" message. So I couldnt even see my
> desktop. So I boot up in Safe mode AND Last known good
> config. Same thing. So I boot from the WIN XP Pro disk.
> Floow the proceedure for an upgrade, but now, all of the
> sudden, all my profiles are gone. I had to even create a
> new one to be Admin. But here is the kicker. All of the
> old profiles STILL have folders in the Documents and
> Settings folders on the C Drive, and all the files are
> intact. How do I sign on to XP using those old profiles?
> Also, if it helps, foe some reason, XP renamed my
> computer from the old name it gave it the first time I
> upgraded.
> Thanks For The Help