[SOLVED] [Help] Big drops of fps on GTA 5 with good PC

Jul 31, 2019
Hello everyone.

First, sorry for my english, I'm French

I totally know that billions of topics like this one exist, but I create one just because I think I have tested all

Let's start. It's been about 3 months since I played almost daily at GTA, GTA RP to be precise and I have never encountered any problem. It's been about two weeks now that it's almost impossible for me to play. Let me explain. Overnight I think, my FPS are struggling to reach 30-40FPS based zones and every 3 seconds or so (I'm not kidding) I have drops of FPS at 5-9 FPS.

When I play, my CPU goes around 95°C and my GPU 70°C, and my CPU usage is ok but my GPU isn't working at all ! like 5%, for a full ultra GTA thats ridiculous

Here is my configuration:
GTX 1080
i7-7820HK CPU 2.90GHz
16Gb RAM
For the more curious I have the Acer Predator 17X GX-792 laptop

The trouble is that this problem seems to appear on GTA, I do not play much else greedy but good for example a League of Legends with graphics thoroughly (although it is far from comparable to GTA in ultra) runs at 120FPS without flinching.

I said that for about 3 months I played GTA without changing anything to my config, screens etc, and I always played with everything thoroughly, anti aliasing (FXAA, MSAA, TXAA), 1080p etc. ... and that now when I do tests, I lag a lot with everything thoroughly, it is unplayable, but even by testing for example Directx10 instead of Directx 11, without antialiasing etc. I have falls of FPS.

I have obviously all my drivers updated (I use Geforce Experience), I tried to remove the G-Sync and put it back, nothing to do, the same for the V-Sync, either adaptive or not.

Mdr I also reinstalled GTA but obviously it did not work

In short, I do not know what to do, I need your help.
It's possible, especially if you're using it in high ambient temps, the heat of the summer is starting to make it thermally throttle. The actual max operating temp of that CPU is 100c, but when you're getting within 5c of that you have to factor in a margin of error on readings accuracy.

You might try a laptop cooling pad if you're playing in high ambient temps. Before buying one though, make sure you have the latest driver for your 1080 installed (make sure you select the proper one for your laptop). A laptop cooling pad is a great investment if you ever play mobile though, like on buses, because setting it on your lap can block intake vents and pick up heat from your body.

Best to check the "Perform clean driver install" box too...
It's possible, especially if you're using it in high ambient temps, the heat of the summer is starting to make it thermally throttle. The actual max operating temp of that CPU is 100c, but when you're getting within 5c of that you have to factor in a margin of error on readings accuracy.

You might try a laptop cooling pad if you're playing in high ambient temps. Before buying one though, make sure you have the latest driver for your 1080 installed (make sure you select the proper one for your laptop). A laptop cooling pad is a great investment if you ever play mobile though, like on buses, because setting it on your lap can block intake vents and pick up heat from your body.

Best to check the "Perform clean driver install" box too, whereby it removes the old one first. Also, check that the laptop is actually playing on the 1080 instead of the built-in HD630 graphics.

Even if you think it's already using your 1080 instead of HD630, you should check settings anyway, because by default, most laptops are set to auto select which is used for each program. It's far better to set it to use the Nvidia graphics globally, then for power saving and/or simultaneous use with games and light background programs (like audio players or anything with low level graphics), set the background programs to use the HD630 as he shows in the 2nd vid below.

A common scenario if you play on battery, is any games that can play on the HD630 might switch to it when the battery is running low on the default Auto setting. Believe it or not, GTA V can run fairly well just on HD630 graphics, but with no more than Normal graphics settings and 720p res at 25-30 FPS. With settings for a 1080 it could easily run as low as single digits as you said though.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTbbG7QBDig

^Note where he's talking maximum battery at end of video, that means maximum battery run time, which can throttle down the output and thus lower graphics quality. It's always best to play graphics intense games on wall current vs battery though. It's the only way you can be assured of getting good visual quality and unrestricted run time.

Let us know how it goes, this could very well help someone else with the same problem, because many players game on laptops now.
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Your CPU has HD630 graphics built in. If you are not seeing such options it might be disabled in the BIOS or something. That option should show on your system though.


I have already gone in the BIOS and I found nothing interesting... maybe I missed it ...
Can you help me to find if this is really the problem ? I've already searched on internet but im lost i dont know what to do
What I was going to say is you should probably have a look at the downloads page for your laptop and DL and install any drivers you're missing. Use BIOS updates as a last resort only, as they shouldn't be messed with unless you know you need one.


Before installing any drivers from the GX-792 page, take a look in Device Manager to see if anything is showing as a yellow flag with exclamation mark [!]. This indicates a driver is not installed.

There are several ways to access Device Manager in W10. https://www.isunshare.com/windows-10/7-ways-to-access-device-manager-in-windows-10.html

I feel having the options that should be there in Nvidia Control Panel is better than having the onboard graphics turned off in the BIOS, if by chance that's the case and you just didn't know where to look. This is because there's a lot of default Auto settings these days in the BIOS and NCP, and your system could be trying to auto adjust down to onboard graphics.

If you're not sure how to do any of it, don't be afraid to contact Acer for help, especially if it's still under warranty. If any of the people in lower tier tech support aren't helping much, ask for a higher tier employee.

Scroll to Telephone Support (first number listed)
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I got all my drivers up to date

btw someone on another forum told me that on laptops with g-sync, the graphic chipset of the processor (here, Intel Graphic HD 630 on my i7-7820HK) is already disabled when you buy it...

I think my problems just come from thermal throttling... my CPU when I play goes to +95°C after 5 minutes of gaming

I dont really know what to do ... clean up the fans, I bought this : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B019IU5HI2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I hope that will solve my problems
Yeah like I said a laptop cooling pad can help a lot. Laptops have better processor coolers these days, but over time dust can build up in the heatsinks. With popular models of laptops you can often find video guides on how to take them apart, but for now just see if the cooling pad helps.
I got all my drivers up to date

btw someone on another forum told me that on laptops with g-sync, the graphic chipset of the processor (here, Intel Graphic HD 630 on my i7-7820HK) is already disabled when you buy it...

I think my problems just come from thermal throttling... my CPU when I play goes to +95°C after 5 minutes of gaming

I dont really know what to do ... clean up the fans, I bought this : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B019IU5HI2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I hope that will solve my problems
Your pc is throttling don't play games at that temp you will kill it. League of legends is not cpu heavy game so that's why is running fine. Maybe your lap top needs cleaning from dust and your cpu new thermal paste.