Help: Can someone confirm R7 250x works in a Asus P5P41T LE

Galactic PC

Aug 28, 2014
First of thanks for taking the time to read this thred and helping 🙂 .

I've been searching for the answer for days.

I've heard that PCIe 2.1 and up has compatibility problems with PCIe 2 and down.
I want to buy a Asus R7 250x PCIe 3 card, my motherboard is a Asus P5P41T LE PCIe 1.1, if someone with this card and motherboard or chipset could confirm that they will work I'd be very grateful 🙂 or should I buy a GTX 5xx PCIe 2. Thanks
PCI Express 3.0

PCI Express 3.0 Base specification revision 3.0 was made available in November 2010, after multiple delays. In August 2007, PCI-SIG announced that PCI Express 3.0 would carry a bit rate of 8 gigatransfers per second (GT/s), and that it would be backwards compatible with existing PCIe implementations.

there will be no measurable FPS difference @ x16:
Thanks for the reply A12MO12 🙂
my motherboards a PCIe 1.1 and the graphics card is a PCIe 3, I've heard of some people having compatibility problems with PCIe 3 cards and PCIe 1.1 motherboards and others not having compatibility problems at all I don't know if the card will work or not. Thanks 🙂

will still work as far as I know - the pcie 1.0 just has less bandwidth then 2.0/3.0 meaning the graphics card will not run at its full potential. Should still be backwards compatible though.
Hi A12MO12 thanks for helping me 🙂
Have you or someone you know put a PCIe 3 card in to a PCIe 1.1 motherboard? I need to know for sure, I can't afford to guess or I'll have to wait for some Christmas money. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it 🙂
PCI Express 3.0

PCI Express 3.0 Base specification revision 3.0 was made available in November 2010, after multiple delays. In August 2007, PCI-SIG announced that PCI Express 3.0 would carry a bit rate of 8 gigatransfers per second (GT/s), and that it would be backwards compatible with existing PCIe implementations.

there will be no measurable FPS difference @ x16: