Help! ECS m/b AMD 1.4 stopped working



i don't know what specs are important here, but i bought an AMD 1.4ghz, the ECS k7s5 m/b and a 300w ATX case.. i only bought this yesterday, and i assembled it myself (first time i've done that).. everything was working FINE until all of a sudden, after i'd been running it for about 10hours or more, it just turned off by itself! the power just cut out on it mid way through playing a game... and now it wont turn back on. When i try and turn it on, the cooling fan on the CPU, and the power supply fan rotate once and thats it.. nothing else after that... can anyone please tell me what the problem might be here?? it didn't smell like anything had burnt, and everything still LOOKS fine..
hate to alarm u, but your fan may have failed, and hence your CPU burned out🙁. Take off the heatsink and smell the CPU- if there's a burnt smell then it's CPU.

U got a problem?! Then dial 1800-328-7448!
OH! i think your right.. replacing the power supply unit had no effect..

if this is what happened, would this be covered under warranty if the store i purchased the parts from assembled the cpu side of the system, including heatsink and fan? they also chose the cpu fan and sytem fan for me, so i assumed sufficent cooling would be supplied
I hope you can get it covered under warranty. There is a chance that it might not be covered since it sounds like the heatsink wasn't installed properly and/or thermal compound wasn't used. You did use thermal compound like Artic Silver, didn't you?
all of these responses are correct. Sounds like you burnt something up alright. Could be the processor. Check all of your connections. Make sure all pci & ram modules are properly seated. Remove all the equipment you put together & then reassemble it. The compound that the other guy refers to is a compound to insulate the cpu and is needed to assist in cooling the cpu. This compound is put on the processor where it makes contact with the heatsink. A small amount is spread around the surface & then you mate the surface of the cpu & the heatsink together. If you didn't do that then my best guess is that you overheated the cpu & it shut down. Warranty applies if the cpu was installed correctly or if it was installed by a certified technician. It is instances like these when reading about computers really helps. there might still be some luck if you didn't use the compound. Dissassemble the unit & apply the compound, reassemble & reboot. I hate to hear stories like this. I hope everything works out for you. Where did you purchase the hardware? Sometimes only the manufacturer, AMD, are the only ones who will warranty the product. Especially true if the company you purchased the hardware from didn't install the system for you. if they sold you the the hardware they should have told you about the compound. If they didn't then I assume that they either thought you knew adout it or they are betting that you didn't know & shafted you. Bummer! Anyways, Call AMD & have them send you another cpu. Explain the circumstances & they should comply. Best of luck. Remember the compound!
It could be your processor ofcourse, but i've seen stranger things happen. Some client placed his computer in a drying room, everything went berserk (mobo, hd, power supply) except the processor! New processor and hd and supply and it was up and running within the hour.

Occasionally some BIOS gets nasty. I had to manually reset the bios by using the jumper on the mobo. I'm not saying that's the problem with you, but it all happened to me...