Question Help finding an adapter

May 11, 2019
I'm attempting to upgrade my prebuilt HP PC, but the graphics card won't be able to clear the 24 pin motherboard power connector without an adapter. I've looked at several right angle adapters like this one, but they won't work because it is angled the wrong way. I've tried searching for a "down angled" or "up angled" adapters, but with no luck. Does an adapter like I'm looking for exist? If so, where could I find one?

Here is the motherboard I'm working with:
As i see it, you have 4x options:

1. Use single slot GPU, to get clearance for 24-pin.
OEM MoBos, especially older ones aren't designed to house beefy dual-slot GPUs meant for gaming.

2. Use GPU riser cable, to move the GPU out of the way.
There are several out there but CableMod is one of the best, link:

3. Use 24-pin extension, so you can bend the wires down to get enough clearance.
Again, there are several but i'd be comfortable using CableMod, link:

4. Replace the MoBo.
Depending on which MoBo you go with, you could upgrade your entire system (including CPU and RAM).