I have a pretty dated monitor on a swivel mount right now - asus vg248qe. I'm looking for a new gaming monitor that won't look completely out of place next to my old monitor. Any recommendations?
1. What Is Your Country Of Origin?
2. What do you plan to do with this monitor? (ex. Games, Movie Watching, Photo Editing, etc.)
3. What resolution and screen size do you want?
I'm thinking about the same size as my old monitor as I want it to not look weird next to it. However, if within my budget I may buy 2 new monitors instead
4. What refresh rate do you want? (ex. 60 hz , 70 hz.)
At minimum 144Hz as I primarily play first person shooter games
5. How much are you looking to spend?
Looking to spend no more than $300 ideally but open to spending more if monitor(s) is good and will last me a long time like the one I have now.
6. Brands Preferred (ex. Samsung, Acer, Asus, AOC, HP, Viewsonic, etc. )
No preference
7. Brands Not Preferred (state reason why)
8. Are You Buying More Than One Monitor?
Looking for one, but if the monitor is solid and within my budget I'm not opposed to buying 2. I bought my old monitor when it first came out and used it until now
9. How Many Displays Can Your GPU Support Maximum? And what GPU and driver version are you using if applicable?
2 monitors. Currently have a GeForce RTX 3070
10. What Port Do You Want To Connect To (ex. DVI-D, HDMI, etc).
HDMI or Displayport
11. Is This Monitor A Primary Display Or A Secondary Display?
Primary display
12. Is This A Secondary Display For A Laptop?