[HELP] Grfx Corruption: Glittering & Texture


May 9, 2004
[HELP] Grfx Corruption: Glittering & Texture - H/W Heavy Games

FORUM: Where best should this be? Figure it fits Games too no?

Hey guys,

I have had this problem ever since I have been running 3D titles of a graphically demanding quality. Some 3D titles have managed to escape it without incident, but most seem to be effected. Anything 2D or fixed perspective has run fine.

Here I have BF: Viet & Hitman Contracts .jpg images, ~5mb, hosted on my FTP as both a .rar and the files in case you have a slow connection then you can just grab a few (NOTE: Hitman screens are 2x of each, 1 with the prob showing & 1 w/o as what I was able to capture were mainly error free, though what did show up was just say 1/30th of each sec of it ie: just a small part showing, show grab at least 3 in succesion to be able to note the problem). Also, I have 're-enacted' a 'real-time' effect with one of the BF: V screens using paint, and also took a screen of the rain effect in Hitman Contracts to give an idea of what it looks like real-time, both images are noted as such, so please pick them out of the bunch to give a look over at least.

-I'll include my UPLOAD act. for whatever reason:

-Texture corruption / wrapping: an opaque texture will 'polygon' & stretch out across the screen from its origin = you can see a solid color taking up a good portion or so of the screen at a time, streched out as a triangle from one point to another.
-Glittering: A sort of 'glittering' effect of 'holes' to the image cluster and flicker in larger groups across the screen. Looking like dozens of little white boxes flickering all over, usually grouped small, but in the case with BF: Vietnam especially then can come to occupy the entire screen, not nearly enough to 'white out' the picture, but enough to put the flicker in every square inch some several times over, losing at the least 10% of the image at any given time.

AMD AthlonXP 2600+
ATi Radeon 9700 Pro
1Gig Corsair PC 3200 DDR

Cata Drivers back to Summer of '03 -> Latest: Cata 4.4
^-I always do a clean install of my video drivers, uninstalling ALL components of last: ATi Control panel & Video Drivers

DirectX 8.x? (at least the last version of DirectX 8) through -> 9.0b
^-I have uninstalled and reinstalled this.

PATCHES TO TITLE ->Never has a patch come to improve the corruption for that particular title.

RE-INSTALLING TITLE ->Never has this shown any improvement.

Graphics Card Desktop Settings / 'Display Properties' -> Various AA / AF settings / Texture Preference * Mipmap Detail / VPU Recover / Fast Writes ON & OFF / Enable & Disable Write Combining... to no avail.

In-Game Settings: Everything the game allows for, I have probably tried it, from all at lowest, to highest, to everything in-between including resolutions.

Desktop Resolution & Framerate: All over the place, my standard is 12x9 @ 70, but I've tried many.

Restarting Machine, trying after comp off for long period, turning off ALL background titles, Ad-Aware program removal, and so on.

NOTE: This problem I first noted I believe near Hitman 2: SA's release, shortly after I got this machine in March '03 (ABSPC.com <-bought FULL machine), in other words, when this first started, little was installed and the comp wasn't even EVER connected to the net till w/in the past month (~start of April '04)

LIST OF GAMES w/CORRUPTION: (NOTE: The list *IS* larger, this is just what I've come to document)

Splinter Cell:
-visual anomalies-glittering, choppy

Freedom Fighters:
1.-PROBLEM: visual corruption, glittering, texture flash in game
(Official cata 3.7 + Omega 3.7, using)
?FIX-still in progress; posts in G-Spot, GameFaqs,
?Trying-App. Settings for AA, AF; all in-game settings max, res: 12x9
!Little flicker, no glitter: App. Settings AA,AF, Text Pref + Mipmap = 3tic(Quality) V-sync + Truform full,In-game full, 12x9 res

Hitman 2:
1.-PROBLEM: visual corruption, texture flashes (black rectangles)
?FIX-hitman def. .ini change render device to opp. driver
-OpenGL (or D3D) .dll
'DrawDll RenderD3D.dll' --> DrawDll RenderOpenGL.dll

C&C Generals (Zero Hour also?)
-visual anomalies-glitterings, slowdown-crawl

SimCity 4:
-visual anomalies? sound distort? slowdown-crawl

BF: 1942 <-I think after some time this problem came to exist for BF: 1942

COD: texture probs, heavy (BF: V)

BF Viet: texture and glitter, heavy (BF: V) <-Usually starts small / light, or even not at all, within one round can grow to the massive flicker mentioned above.

SC: Pandora Tomorrow: small glitter <-Greater offline, though has shown *VERY LIGHTLY* in online games.

Hit 3: texture and glitter, heavy (BF: V)
^-NOTE: A lot of this is from a .txt file I was compiling back when I was first heavily pursuing a fix, ie. a lot of symbols are used / annotation etc, just try to follow it as I wanted to post it as I had it documented.

UN-AFFECTED 3D / Heavy Graphics TITLES:

Red Faction II <-Not too 'pretty' but figured I'd list

Unreal II: The Awakening

Armed & Dangerous <-Again, not to heavy graphically, then again, neither are some of the titles with this problem.

Far Cry <-Now I believe I had no trouble with this...hrm...if anything it was light, I have since uninstalled.

UT '04
^-uhh, there's more just haven't recorded ones that don't have trouble, will UPDATE soon.

-Recently I have been trying to capture screens of this as it happens, though I have no way to reproduce it / 'set it off' and it is flickering so fast that most screens show either a perfect image, or very little distortion, however if it were possible to capture 30 frames for that second, you can clearly see how annoying and unplayable it becomes. I tried using Fraps to capture video but Fraps captures RAW data, totally stripping my machine at wich case I might as well be taking screenies, the video it cap'd before I turned it off is horribly distored, unable to show the problem anyway. I tried using Fraps various times with various settings to no avail.

Game Experience Example:
Online with BF: Viet it usually doesn't start till after some time, maybe 10mins, maybe very lightly right away, slowly the glittering can come and go, sometimes not there for a minute or so then it comes back, then gone again, after some time I have come to note very heavy saturation across the screen. As a pilot it becomes very hard to note any ground movement / muzzle flashes from the distortion, the textures wrapping can cause blind spots getting very unplayable.

-For any help regarding this.
-For info an a way to capture this on video.
-For info on free web image hosting -as I am using MY FTP right now to host the pix.
-For good site where I can post this besides here.


Maybe your video memory is defective. Have you try decreasing your memory frequency. You can do it with RadClocker, Radeonator, PowerStrip, etc...

Try to lower your memory frequency a bit and if it's possible, touch your Video RAM chip while you are running intensive 3D apps. They might be too hot...

You can also underclock your video CORE speed if lowering the memory speed don't change the problem. If your Video RAM is too hot or defective, if you lower the speed you should see improvments and less artifacts on screen.

Try this and come to us with results!

Lookin' to fill that <font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> shape hole!
-RadClocker: Yeah I think that came with an Omega Package Driver I tried sometime back. Will try that out.

BTW: Touch the VPU Chip? Uhh, how hot may it be exactly? Any precautions I should take & what exactly is too hot?

NOTE: I have up'd some of the best examples to an online image host if you don't want to mess with my FTP/its down etc.:


<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/BF_-_V_-!_PAINT_MADE_-__EXAMPLE_OF_REALTIME_EFFECT_1_-ScreenShot66.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/BF_-_V_-!...creenShot66.JPG</A> <-At least try this one, rest of BF: V are either realy small in effect or too dark to see as boxes are an olive color. This was made with M$ Paint, but goes as a very good example of just what I looks like 'RealTime'.

BF: V: UN-Titled
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot43.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot43.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot70.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot70.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot86.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot86.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot87.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot87.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot97.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/ScreenShot97.JPG</A>
/best of set

Hit Con: Titled (NOTE: Compare the first with the second of these.)
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SUIT1-1-_2004-05-02_16-35-42-87.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SUIT1-1-_2004-05-02_16-35-42-87.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SUIT1-2-_2004-05-02_16-35-51-46.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SUIT1-2-_2004-05-02_16-35-51-46.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SWAT1-1-_2004-05-02_16-19-00-78.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SWAT1-1-_2004-05-02_16-19-00-78.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SWAT1-2-_2004-05-02_16-18-56-84.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-ASYLUM_-Texture_SWAT1-2-_2004-05-02_16-18-56-84.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-TRAINING_-Glitter_SUIT1-2-_2004-05-01_16-44-31-61.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanCon...16-44-31-61.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_-TRAINING_-Glitter_SUIT1-3-_2004-05-01_16-44-33-64.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanCon...16-44-33-64.JPG</A>

Hit Con: UN-Titled
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-15-04.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-15-04.JPG</A> <-Compare this and below 2 links, texture like shadow flashes, left bottom corner.
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-25-23.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-25-23.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-16-39.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-26-16-39.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-50-47-07.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-50-47-07.JPG</A> <-Note middle left, texture 'divots' flash, compare to below link.
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-50-41-325752.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-50-41-325752.JPG</A>
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-59-07-32.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_17-59-07-32.JPG</A> <-Small 'Glitter'
<A HREF="http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_18-06-42-85.JPG" target="_new">http://www.IMGSpot.com/uploads/HitmanContracts_2004-05-02_18-06-42-85.JPG</A> <-Good pic of 'Glittering'
/best of set


Have you tried changing GPU/Video RAM speed? And have you tried your games at different resolutions?

Lookin' to fill that <font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> shape hole!
Those look like errors you might get if you flashed your card to the wrong BIOS. I flashed a friends 9800 Pro that had hynix to a BIOS meant for samsung (I didn't check first stupid me!) and he got some errors like this.

If this has been happening ever since the beginning the BIOS could possibly be corrupted, although that would be very odd. In the Overclocking 3d Chips section I have a sticky called "ATI BIOS flashing: All you need to know!". You might wanna flash your BIOS to the latest proper BIOS (i.e. one meant for a 9700 Pro with your kind of memory. To see what kind of memory you have just look at the chips.)

Otherwise, your card is EFFED! Get a new one.

Me: are you saying I can't provide?
Me: cause I know I can provide.
Me: oh and I can provide money too😉
Rachel:): why do we need money when we can just stay in our room and have sex all day?
-Since decreasing the Video Memory ~6% (to ~292 now, from 310.5) with 'Rad Linker' (all Rad Clocker DLs installed 'Linker', guess this is the same?) I have yet to notice the problem.

Different Resolutions: As stated in orig. post, yes I have tried tons of combonations of in-game settings, res. being one.

BIOS: I have not messed with any settings / flashed it, I will continue checking possibilites, and will be sure to visit the thread you mention, thanks.

The fact that underclocking the memory resolved the problem does not eliminate the possibility I previously stated. If your card has the wrong BIOS, your memory might not be getting enough voltage, or the timings could be different than what they should. To have to run at 290 on the ram to get a working card is lame, that's not what you paid for. I'd try the BIOS thing, but if that dosn't fix it, don't blame ATI, they are 1337er than your mom. Just get a 9800 Pro real cheap! Or don't, if you're poor (like me.. but luckily I already have one).

Me: are you saying I can't provide?
Me: cause I know I can provide.
Me: oh and I can provide money too😉
Rachel:): why do we need money when we can just stay in our room and have sex all day?
But, I don't think he ever flashed his BIOS. He probably have the original BIOS. I really think he probably have defective memory and the solution might be better cooling or underclock or changing the video card.

Lookin' to fill that <font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> shape hole!
I forgot to ask you, have you try your video card in another computer?

I really think you have defective or unstable memory chip. You should try to cool your memory chip. You can "glue" heatsink on them or try runing your PC with an open case, this should cool your components a bit. If the problem disapear, it's probably a cooling problem.

If you can live with -6% memory speed, you should keep these settings. You will not notice much difference in performance.

Lookin' to fill that <font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> shape hole!
-(9700PRO) on 06-13 even with ~6% lower memory/video timings I once again recieved heavy corruption, following a call on the 14th I made to abspc.com and getting a RMA I shipped the card out on Fri. 06-18.
-(9800PRO) on 06-24 a 9800Pro arrived back, today, 06-26 I put into my machine.

BF: Vietnam SCREENS:
(all images taken within same 1/2 or less period)
9700PRO 06-13 Corruption:
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/300/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET11.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/300/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET11.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3945/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET12.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3945/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET12.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7526/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET13.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7526/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET13.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/949/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET15.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/949/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET15.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8325/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET16.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8325/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET16.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4852/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET17.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4852/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET17.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5439/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET18.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5439/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET18.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3657/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET19.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3657/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET19.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5810/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET110.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5810/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET110.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/261/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET111.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/261/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET111.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8189/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET1.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8189/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET1.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3125/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET20.jpg" target="_new">http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3125/BF-Vietnam-RecentHighCorruptionSET20.jpg</A>

(images across various resolution settings / grfx settings -other maps produce similar distortion -other settings same deal)
9800PRO 06-26 Corruption:
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6775/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO0.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6775/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO0.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/4143/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO2.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/4143/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO2.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/2207/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO3.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/2207/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO3.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3259/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO4.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3259/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO4.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8642/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO5.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8642/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO5.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1219/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO7.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1219/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO7.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/9236/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO13.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/9236/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO13.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3315/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO18.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3315/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO18.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1592/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO23.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1592/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO23.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7074/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO24.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7074/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO24.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4028/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO25.jpg" target="_new">http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4028/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO25.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1056/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO28.jpg" target="_new">http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1056/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO28.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8705/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO29.jpg" target="_new">http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8705/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO29.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3329/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO30.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3329/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO30.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3593/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO31.jpg" target="_new">http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3593/BF-VScreens-06-26-04-9800PRO31.jpg</A>

-Could some software settings with Windows be causing any of this? Doubtful that a returned card, upgraded, is also defective, maybe another part of the hardware? Could this at all be caused by fualty power settings / too much/little power to the card? Any other hardware that could come to cause this?

WTF? ('angry face emoticon')

Underclocking: 9800PRO does not solve, produce any difference.



<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by i3lueHorneT on 06/27/04 03:01 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
those last screens you posted look VERY strange, and show nothing like the artifacts i usually encounter when i overclock the various cards that i hvae lying around... wierd !!

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="http://www.subhi.com/keyboard.jpg" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
^-well that's GREAT! Most helpfull to my cause, please, allow me to rejoice!

-Yeah, I could have told you its not an issue with overclocking, ANY IDEAS?

-Yeah, I could have told you its not an issue with overclocking, ANY IDEAS?

actually it is, if you underclock the ram and it fixes it, then it means teh ram is clocked too high, or in other words, OVERCLOCKED

it could be faulty ram, something wrong with the GPU itself... who knows. its impossible for us to tell without actually sitting down and testing it first hand... oh yea and when you ask for help, its best to show a little appreciation otherwise you wont get much

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="http://www.subhi.com/keyboard.jpg" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
^-frist of all that was a joking reply, and NO, underclocking DOES NOT solve the issue on the 9800PRO.

I'll edit the posts a bit more with info., just did those up last night to start getting more feedback is all.

-Since decreasing the Video Memory ~6% (to ~292 now, from 310.5) with 'Rad Linker' (all Rad Clocker DLs installed 'Linker', guess this is the same?) I have yet to notice the problem.

but in teh above quote you are saying that underclocking the ram fixes it , right?

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="http://www.subhi.com/keyboard.jpg" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
oh ??? damn i was totally wrong wasnt i LOL

<A HREF="http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/you.html" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="http://www.subhi.com/keyboard.jpg" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
"^-well that's GREAT! Most helpfull to my cause, please, allow me to rejoice!"

"Calm down moron"

^-no that is uncalled for, I already posted right after his reply that my comment was jokingly made, if you can't figure that for yourself I'm not about to break down its absurdness for you. Calling me a moron after making a comment out of jocularity towards someone who made the mistake origanally and misread a post, after the poster already called his bad and laughed with me about the whole thing, and not even bothering to add anything to help is...hrm..say a bit out of place don't you think? Do you really believe I was fretting after reading that response -whatever the case, *your* comment is out-of-line.

After checking the unit's FAN it appears it is causing the problem, as it is not running, I have made a new thread structured around a 9800Pro's fan to help focus the replies as I doubt its anything more than the chip overheating due to the fan not working properly.

LINK: <A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=405443#405443" target="_new">http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=405443#405443</A>



<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by i3lueHorneT on 06/27/04 09:57 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Do you have another system that you can test the card out with?

Capturing a video, there is a program called tech Smith screen capture. If ya can get your hands on it that will do it.

I'll see if I can find a link

Here ya go

<A HREF="http://www.techsmith.com/products/studio/default.asp" target="_new">http://www.techsmith.com/products/studio/default.asp</A>

Posting screens just get a free website and post?