So my old 775 board died, It was great while it lasted, but luckly my psu, case, and gtx480 are still working, but that being said I need to look into getting a new mobo/cpu/ram.
Im looking at 2 options.
Option 1 $749.00
asus maximus vii formula
16gb ram using an 8x2 ddr3 kit
Option2 $729.00
msi x99 sla pro
16gb ram using a 4x4 kit.
I'll use the system for gaming, and I will be buying either a 980 ti, or the new ATI card that's getting ready to be released once I see some benchmarks on them both. eventually sometime early next year I'll be getting a new 4k monitor, and a second card running either sli, or croxxfire.
What option would you guys go with? either way I go I want it to get me a good 5+ years with only having to worry about GPU upgrades to continue gaming at 4k.
I would consider the 5830k, but price wise, its a good 200 dollars more than
I also may consider the asus sabertooth x99 board becuase I like how clean it looks, but im not sure spec wise it the better appearances are worth the 70 dollar price increase.
Im looking at 2 options.
Option 1 $749.00
asus maximus vii formula
16gb ram using an 8x2 ddr3 kit
Option2 $729.00
msi x99 sla pro
16gb ram using a 4x4 kit.
I'll use the system for gaming, and I will be buying either a 980 ti, or the new ATI card that's getting ready to be released once I see some benchmarks on them both. eventually sometime early next year I'll be getting a new 4k monitor, and a second card running either sli, or croxxfire.
What option would you guys go with? either way I go I want it to get me a good 5+ years with only having to worry about GPU upgrades to continue gaming at 4k.
I would consider the 5830k, but price wise, its a good 200 dollars more than
I also may consider the asus sabertooth x99 board becuase I like how clean it looks, but im not sure spec wise it the better appearances are worth the 70 dollar price increase.